Development staff and officers at nonprofits hardly have to be reminded that an extremely high percentage of donors and patrons to their organizations do much of their personal and professional business on a smartphone.

Not convinced? Think about how easily people spend money on Amazon with the “Buy It Now” button. Thus, there has been a rise in mobile giving in nonprofit fundraising.

There are several types of mobile giving: mobile-optimized donation pages; mobile giving apps; text-to-give campaigns and more. All of these and more are effective nonprofit fundraising tools.

For this reason, every nonprofit must have a mobile strategy when it comes to fundraising along side the more traditional channels of fundraising.

There are several mobile giving platforms available for nonprofits that facilitate easy and convenient ways for donors to contribute using their mobile devices. Here are some popular options: GiveGab, which is a comprehensive online fundraising platform that provides a seamless mobile giving experience; Qgiv, which is a mobile fundraising platform that allows nonprofits to accept donations through various channels, including mobile devices; MobileCause, which is a mobile-first fundraising and communication platform designed specifically for nonprofits.

iConnectX is here to help you with fundraising, especially with events like auctions. And we are happy to help with advice and counsel about more effective fundraising.

Non-profits can leverage mobile technology to optimize their fundraising efforts in several ways heretofore not tapped. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Mobile-Optimized Donation Pages:

    Ensure your organization’s website and donation pages are mobile-friendly, providing a seamless and convenient experience for donors using smartphones or tablets. Simplify the donation process, allowing users to easily navigate, select donation amounts, and complete transactions on their mobile devices.

  • Mobile Giving Apps:

    Partner with mobile giving platforms or develop your own mobile app specifically designed for fundraising. Such apps allow donors to make quick and secure donations from their mobile devices, often with additional features like recurring donations, in-app event registrations, and campaign tracking.

  • Text-to-Give Campaigns:

    Implement text-to-give campaigns, where donors can simply text a keyword to a designated number to make a donation. This approach offers convenience and simplicity, allowing supporters to contribute on the go. Promote these campaigns through various channels, including social media, email, and offline marketing materials.

  • Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Platforms:

    Engage supporters to fundraise on your behalf through mobile-friendly peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms. These platforms enable individuals to create personalized fundraising pages and share them with their social networks via mobile devices. Provide easy sharing options for social media platforms and ensure the P2P platform is optimized for mobile use.

  • Mobile Messaging and Push Notifications:

    Utilize mobile messaging apps and push notifications to communicate with your supporters and keep them engaged. Send updates about your organization’s activities, upcoming events, donation appeals, and impact stories. Personalize messages based on donor preferences and behaviors to drive engagement and donations.

  • Mobile-Friendly Event Registration:

    If your non-profit hosts events, optimize the registration process for mobile devices. Provide a mobile-responsive event registration page, offer mobile ticketing options, and enable attendees to check in using mobile devices. This streamlines the experience for event participants and encourages higher attendance and engagement.

  • Mobile Wallet Integration:

    Integrate popular mobile wallet solutions such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, or other digital payment options into your donation process. Mobile wallets offer a convenient and secure way for donors to make contributions, eliminating the need to manually enter payment information.

  • Social Media and Mobile Advertising:

    Leverage social media platforms’ mobile advertising features to reach potential donors. Tailor your campaigns to target mobile users specifically, utilizing engaging visuals, concise messaging, and clear calls-to-action to drive donations.

  • Donor Relationship Management (CRM) Systems:

    Implement a mobile-friendly CRM system to manage donor data effectively. This allows your team to access and update donor information on the go, enabling more timely and personalized communication with supporters.

  • Data Analytics and Reporting:

    Utilize mobile analytics tools to track the performance of your mobile fundraising efforts. Monitor metrics such as donation conversion rates, mobile platform usage, campaign effectiveness, and donor engagement. Analyzing this data can help you refine your strategies and optimize future fundraising campaigns.

It’s crucial to align your mobile technology strategies with your overall fundraising goals and the preferences of your target audience. Regularly assess and adapt your mobile fundraising initiatives to ensure they remain effective in engaging donors and supporting your non-profit’s mission.

Planning and managing a massive fundraising event requires careful organization and execution to ensure its success. For sure, you will need a software program to manage all the details. You can use the nonprofit fundraising tool to manage most of the event details with a free account.

Big events usually bring in big fundraising, and the more people you involve in your event fundraising, the better you will do. So, at least once a year it makes sense to go big. Think about a “gala” type event. For entertainment, try linking with local performers and musicians. For charity, many performers will work for discounted rates and some will donate their talents.

Use the free fundraising software. Here are five tips to help you with the overall process that will help maximize success:

  1. Define clear goals and objectives:

    Begin by setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for your fundraising event. Define the purpose of the event, the amount of money you aim to raise, and the target audience you want to attract. Having clear goals will guide your planning efforts and help you stay focused throughout the event. It also helps to keep your team focused and on point throughout the process.

  2. Create a detailed plan and timeline:

    Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines all the necessary tasks, deadlines, and responsibilities involved in organizing the fundraising event. Break down the plan into smaller actionable steps and assign them to different team members or volunteers. A detailed timeline will help you stay organized, track progress, and ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.

  3. Build a strong Planning Committee:

    Assemble a team of dedicated individuals who are passionate about the cause and committed to the success of the event. Assign roles and responsibilities to team members based on their strengths and expertise. Regularly communicate with the team, provide support, and foster collaboration to keep everyone motivated and engaged.

  4. Build An Engaging Marketing Strategy:

    Leverage technology and social media platforms to maximize the reach and impact of your fundraising event. Create a website or dedicated event page where people can find information, register, and donate online. Utilize social media channels to promote the event, share updates, and engage with potential attendees and donors. Consider using email marketing tools to send targeted messages and reminders to invitees.

  5. Establish partnerships and sponsorships:

    Seek out partnerships and sponsorships from businesses, organizations, or influential individuals who align with your cause. Ask them to use their media and retail spaces to help promote the event. Collaborating with sponsors can also provide financial support, in-kind donations, or additional resources. Establishing strategic partnerships can expand your network, increase event visibility, and attract more participants and donors.

Remember, successful fundraising events require careful planning, strong leadership, effective communication, and the dedication of a passionate team. Stay organized, be adaptable, and continuously evaluate and adjust your strategies to ensure the event’s success.

By now, you have probably seen people on Facebook use their birthday to raise money for nonprofit fundraising for a cause using an online donation software platform like or The reason you see a lot of them is because they work.

Such fundraising is called peer-to-peer fundraising.

Peer-to-peer fundraising has emerged as a powerful tool for non-profit organizations to raise funds and engage supporters. It involves individuals soliciting donations from their network of friends, family, and acquaintances, usually through social media, rather than relying solely on traditional fundraising methods.

This approach offers several distinct benefits for non-profits:

Amplified Reach:

Peer-to-peer fundraising expands the reach of non-profits beyond their immediate network. By empowering supporters to fundraise on their behalf, organizations tap into the personal connections and social networks of their advocates. This approach allows non-profits to engage a broader audience and attract new donors who may not have been previously aware of the organization or its cause.

Use All Your Networks:

The most common social media platform for peer-to-peer fundraising is Facebook. But be sure and extend your efforts to Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn as well. Write a blog post(s) about what the money you raise will do for the audience you serve, and link to the post with the call-to-action of a fundraising website donation link from, for example,

Increased Donor Engagement:

Peer-to-peer fundraising provides an opportunity for supporters to actively participate in the non-profit’s mission. By involving individuals as fundraisers, non-profits foster a sense of ownership and connection among their supporters. Fundraisers become ambassadors for the cause, passionately advocating and raising awareness within their circles. As you add donors to your database, make sure to set up automated online donation reminders and thank you’s, which you can do through

Enlist Partners:

Non-profits should partner with as many local businesses as possible. A Human Society would do well to partner with a pet supply store. Not only will they usually help with adoption days, but maybe post signage that rounding up a bill will send that money to the Humane Society. Be creative about asking local business leaders and owners to serve on your board, and support the organization through their businesses.

Enhanced Fundraising Potential:

Instead of relying on a limited number of staff members or volunteers to solicit donations, an organization leverages the collective efforts of numerous fundraisers. With each individual reaching out to their network, the fundraising capacity grows exponentially. This approach allows non-profits to tap into the power of social influence.


Traditional fundraising methods often involve significant costs, such as hosting events, printing materials, or hiring professional fundraisers. In contrast, peer-to-peer fundraising leverages technology and social media platforms, which are relatively inexpensive and widely accessible. By utilizing online platforms and online fundraising platform like, non-profits can minimize overhead costs, allocate more resources directly towards their programs and initiatives, and maximize the impact of each dollar raised.

Data Collection and Analysis:

Peer-to-peer fundraising provides valuable data and insights that can inform future strategies. Through online fundraising platforms, non-profits can collect and analyze data on donor behavior, preferences, and trends. This information helps organizations better understand their supporters, tailor their messaging, and identify potential opportunities for further engagement.

Peer-to-Peer Advocacy:

Peer-to-peer fundraising not only raises funds but also generates awareness and advocacy for a non-profit’s cause. As fundraisers passionately share their personal stories and motivations, they effectively become advocates for the organization. This word-of-mouth promotion can inspire others to get involved.

Peer-to-peer fundraising has revolutionized the way non-profits engage with their supporters and raise funds. By harnessing the power of personal networks and technology, organizations can amplify their reach, foster donor engagement, and unlock significant fundraising potential. The benefits of peer-to-peer fundraising go beyond financial contributions, providing non-profits with valuable data, advocacy, and community building opportunities.

Event fundraising is crucial to nonprofits. And converting event donors into reliable monthly donors is an important goal for any nonprofit, as it helps sustain operations and provides a more predictable revenue stream.

Here are some smart strategies for conversion.

  • Follow up promptly

    After an event, promptly reach out to event donors to express gratitude for their support. Send personalized thank-you notes or emails, highlighting the impact their contribution made. Use this opportunity to introduce the concept of monthly giving and explain its importance.

  • Clearly communicate the need and mission of your organization

    Clearly articulate the ongoing need for support and how monthly donations can make a substantial difference. Provide specific examples of how recurring contributions enable long-term planning, program expansion, or the ability to serve more beneficiaries effectively.

  • Showcase impact and success stories

    Share success stories and testimonials that illustrate the positive impact of monthly donors’ support. Use different mediums like videos, social media posts, newsletters, or your organization’s website to highlight real-life examples of how sustained giving has transformed lives.

  • Be warm and lively at event talk

    At every event where someone has purchased a ticket, give a warm, polished thank you talk and bring up monthly giving and the importance of the mission of your nonprofit. Don’t go on too long though.

  • Offer convenient giving options

    Make it easy for event donors to transition to monthly giving by providing multiple convenient options. Offer online fundraising platforms, such as a dedicated donation page or mobile app, where donors can set up recurring donations with a few clicks. Provide clear instructions and ensure the process is user-friendly.

  • Create a monthly giving program if you don’t have one

    Develop a specific monthly giving program that showcases its benefits. Consider naming the program to give it identity and exclusivity, such as “ChangeMakers Club” or “Hope Partners.” Perhaps name it after a founder or prominent staffer or donor with long tenure, such as “Lucille’s Gang.” Provide program members with exclusive benefits like behind-the-scenes updates, invitations to special events, or early access to news and resources.

  • Set giving levels

    Clearly define giving levels for monthly donors, allowing them to choose a level that suits their capacity. Present various options, such as bronze, silver, gold, or basic, standard, premium, to cater to different donor preferences. Clearly communicate the impact associated with each giving level.

  • Offer incentives and recognition

    Incentivize monthly giving by offering small perks or rewards to donors who commit to recurring contributions. This could include branded merchandise, access to exclusive content, or recognition on your organization’s website or annual report. Publicly acknowledge and appreciate monthly donors to reinforce their commitment.

  • Leverage peer-to-peer fundraising

    Encourage event donors to become advocates by setting up their own fundraising campaigns on behalf of your nonprofit. Such as for their birthday. Facebook is full of birthday-related GoFundMe campaigns. Make sure your organization has a site on GofundMe or another giving platform to facilitate this.

  • Keep donors engaged

    Maintain regular communication with event donors-turned-monthly-donors to keep them engaged and connected to your mission. Send them updates on the impact of their donations, success stories, and organizational news. Use a newsletter platform to keep them update with a monthly newsletter update with links to blog items.

Remember, building strong relationships and trust with your event donors is crucial for converting them into reliable monthly donors. By effectively communicating your organization’s mission, impact, and the value of sustained giving, you can increase the likelihood of long-term support.

You can use fundraiser software to manage your events, such as online auctions, as well as event ticketing for nonprofits. iConnectX is free to nonprofits and can help with keeping your donors part of your team.

When it comes to communicating with donors for nonprofit fundraising, it is not enough to just send the same messages and fundraising approaches to everyone in your database. You must create categories and groups among your total universe of donors to maximize fundraising efforts.

Load in your donor contacts to fundraising website, and you can create donor segments to target each group with the strategically correct fundraising campaigns and messaging. iConnectX is a free, effective fundraising platform.

Donor segmentation is a process of categorizing and grouping donors based on shared characteristics or behaviors. It involves dividing your donor base into distinct segments or categories to better understand their motivations, preferences, and giving patterns. By segmenting your donors, you can tailor your communication and fundraising strategies to effectively engage each group and build stronger relationships.


This includes information like age, gender, location, occupation, and income level. Understanding demographic data can help you target specific groups with messages that resonate with them.

Giving history

Examining past donation patterns allows you to identify donors who have given consistently, those who have made larger contributions, or those who have lapsed in their giving. This information can guide your strategies for donor retention, re-engagement, and upgrade opportunities.

Interests and motivations

Understanding the reasons why donors support your organization is crucial. Some donors may be motivated by a specific cause or issue, while others may have a personal connection to your mission. Segmenting based on interests helps you deliver relevant messaging and opportunities to engage.

Communication preferences

Some donors may prefer to receive updates via email, while others might prefer direct mail or social media. Segmenting donors based on their preferred communication channels ensures that your messages reach them in the most effective way.

Engagement level

Donors vary in their level of involvement beyond financial contributions. Segmenting donors based on their engagement level, such as volunteering, attending events, or participating in advocacy, helps you identify potential major donors or advocates.

Once you have segmented your donors, you can use the iConnectX online fundraising platform to tailor your fundraising appeals, stewardship efforts, and marketing strategies to each group’s unique characteristics and preferences. This personalized approach can enhance donor satisfaction, increase retention rates, and maximize the impact of your fundraising efforts.

Not All Donors Are The same.

 While specific types of donors can vary depending on the nature of the non-profit organization and its mission, there are several common donor categories that every non-profit should be aware of.

Individual Donors

Individuals who contribute their personal funds to support your organization’s cause. They can be segmented further based on factors such as donation frequency, donation amount, and engagement level.

Major Donors

Major donors are individuals who have the capacity to make substantial contributions to your organization. They often have a deep commitment to your cause and may be interested in making transformative gifts. Building relationships with major donors is crucial, as they can have a significant impact on your organization’s financial sustainability.

Corporate Donors

These are businesses and corporations that provide financial support to non-profit organizations. Corporate donors may have specific giving programs, corporate social responsibility initiatives, or foundations through which they allocate funds.

Foundation Donors

Foundations are organizations that provide grants and funding to non-profits. They can be private foundations established by individuals or families, community foundations serving specific regions, or corporate foundations associated with businesses.

Government Donors

Government entities at the local, state, and national levels may provide funding for non-profit organizations through grants, contracts, or subsidies. Non-profits working in areas such as education, healthcare, social services, or the arts may be eligible for government funding.

Recurring Donors

Recurring donors are individuals who commit to making regular, ongoing donations to your organization. They often set up automatic monthly or annual contributions, providing a stable and predictable source of revenue. Cultivating relationships with recurring donors and demonstrating the impact of their sustained support is crucial for donor retention.

In-Kind Donors

In-kind donors contribute goods or services rather than monetary donations. They may donate items such as office supplies, equipment, or food for events, or provide pro bono services such as legal assistance or marketing support.

These categories are not mutually exclusive, and many donors may fall into multiple categories. It’s important to approach each type of donor with a tailored strategy that aligns with their specific motivations, preferences, and expectations. Building and maintaining strong relationships with donors across these categories is vital for the long-term sustainability and success of your non-profit organization.

Developing Effective Donor Segments

 Developing a unique segmentation strategy for a non-profit involves a thoughtful and data-driven approach.

Define your goals

Clarify objectives for segmentation. What are you trying to achieve? Are you aiming to improve donor retention, increase donations, enhance engagement? Having clear goals will guide your segmentation efforts.

Gather and analyze data

Collect relevant data about your donors, including demographic information, giving history, communication preferences, interests, and engagement levels. This data can come from your donor management system, surveys, online forms, or other sources. Analyze the data to identify patterns, trends, and potential segments.

Identify key segmentation factors

Based on data analysis, identify key factors that will serve as the basis for your segmentation. These factors may include demographics, giving behavior, motivations, interests, or any other relevant variables.

Segment your donor base

Using the identified factors, segment your donor base into distinct groups. You can use a variety of approaches, such as clustering analysis, rule-based segmentation, or a combination of both. Aim to create segments that are meaningful and actionable, allowing you to tailor your strategies effectively.

Develop personas

Once donors are segmented, create personas for each segment. Personas are fictional representations of typical donors within a segment, including their characteristics, motivations, communication preferences, and giving behaviors. Personas help you humanize your segments and better understand their needs and preferences.

Here is an example: Martha is 55, married, college educated, a retired professional, household income between $400K-$600K, lover of the arts, contributes to at least three arts organizations, contributes to specific campaigns as well as being a monthly contributor.

Tailor strategies and messaging

With your segmented personas in hand, develop targeted strategies and messaging for each segment. Consider how you can engage and communicate with each group in a way that resonates with their specific motivations and preferences. This may involve customizing fundraising appeals, creating personalized stewardship plans, or delivering tailored content through different channels.

Test and iterate

Implement your segmented strategies and track the outcomes. Monitor how each segment responds to your initiatives, measure their engagement and donation patterns, and gather feedback. Use this data to refine and iterate your segmentation strategy over time, adapting to changes in donor behavior and preferences.

Regularly evaluate and update: Donor segmentation is an ongoing process. Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your segmentation strategy with the management and board of the non-profit, and make adjustments as needed. As your non-profit evolves and acquires more data, refine your segments, and identify new opportunities for engagement.

Remember that while data is crucial for segmentation, it’s also important to balance it with qualitative insights and an understanding of your organization’s unique mission and audience. Regularly communicate with your donors, seek their feedback, and stay attuned to their evolving needs and interests.

If the last few years has taught us anything, it is to be resilient in the face of unexpected changes to the economy and society.

It is never truer than for non-profits. Not only did many NPOs suffer funding shortfalls during the pandemic as many fundraising ideas and events got put on hold, but the pandemic followed a change in the tax laws that has crimped charitable giving for many people.

Absent a steady stream of fat-wallet donors writing big one-time checks, diversifying funding sources is never more critical. Here are five Nonprofit Fundraising Solutions:

Peer-To-Peer and/or Team Fundraising

Big-brand companies, like Nike, Starbucks, Ford, Apple, etc. rely a great deal on their customers sharing stories of support and affection about their favorite brands to inspire and build legions of repeat customers. The same can be done in the non-profit world. People are often as passionate about the causes they support as they are about the brands they love.

This kind of fundraising works when an organization’s supporters and donors reach out to the people they know, often through social media, to ask them to give to a cause close to their heart on behalf of the organization. We have all seen this on Facebook and Instagram when people ask their friends to support their causes leading up to a birthday or anniversary. NPO’s can nudge their existing supporters to engage this strategy through outreach. If the organization has birthdates of its donor database, an email or phone call to wish them a “Happy Birthday” can be accompanied by a suggestion that they use their social media heft to multiply their giving.

“Peer-to-peer” and “team” fundraising are similar, but with a few slight differences worth pointing out. Peer-to-peer fundraising can be specifically for individuals, as in the case of birthday efforts, whereas groups of supporters can do “team fundraising.” Non-profits that support disease research for example, organize monthly walking, cycling or running goals among donors and supporters, who in turn attract sponsorship for the monthly goal or a per-mile sponsorship. Additionally, gaming can be layered on top of the effort where teams or individuals compete to see which team or individual can raise the most money, with the winner getting a prize.

These fundraising efforts are fueled by social media, and work wonders to attract new donors who get added to the database and can be leveraged into long-term supporters.

Facebook and Instagram make it easy for donors to create fundraising pages, which is a far better and easier method than going around with a clipboard, hitting up friends and friends-of-friends for per-mile support in the case of walking and cycling goals.

It goes without saying that the more information you can collect from each donor, the better you will be at retaining them, and converting first-timers to long-term supporters and advocates.

iConnectX gives you a fundraising platform on which to keep all your efforts organized and efficient, with a high degree of automation when it comes to donor communications.

Major Gift Giving

Major gifts are still a significant source of funding for most NPOs. Indeed,  90% of all fundraising dollars come from just 12% of donors, so you can’t afford to let up on those efforts.

Cultivating major gift-giving is a serious and specific talent and must be properly resourced with the right staff and software tools—building relationships with a list of prospects identified as being likely givers if approached the correct manner.

Major-gift fundraising involves six stages: Identification, Qualification, Cultivation, Solicitation, Negotiation, and Stewardship. iConnectX software helps you organize and manage the prospects through those stages by helping you stay organized and automating certain processes. For one, you’ll need to record every touchpoint that you have with donors, especially the major ones. There is a strategy to be hatched around staying in touch the right amount to keep them engaged and involved, while not over communicating.

A major donor has a high net worth and may own real estate, stocks, bonds or cryptocurrency, and can be persuaded to gift any of those assets in lieu of cash. Wealthy “older” donors are often the best prospects, but don’t ignore millennials who have achieved early wealth and have interest in giving.

Wealth screening enables an organization to learn about current donors’ and prospects’ wealth or capacity to give. Wealth screening shows an individual’s past giving to other charities, political contributions, business affiliations, real estate ownership, SEC stock holdings and the like.


Auctions are fun, and an excellent source of funding for NPOs. Nonprofit auctions (whether live, silent, online, or hybrid) are events that draw in supporters to bid on items, services or packages. Items and packages are often donated, but sometimes organizations buy them at cost. Auctions can provide multiple tax deductions, first for the donor of the item and then for the one buying it.

Some NPOs have in-person auctions, but online and hybrid auctions are becoming more the norm. Online auctions  and hybrid auctions require tools to pull off, and they go much smoother when using our software.

Live auctions or high-bid auctions are different animals. A live auction can be a snazzy, fun event as part of a gala featuring entertainment. With as live auctioneer, attendees place bids by raising paddles or signaling. This live version can also be live-streamed to attract more people.

A best-bid auction has items displayed with sign-in sheets on each one, and people browse and place bids on the items they want. This can be done live, or on a web page we create for you. A mobile app we provide can also streamline the process. Heading into 2023, more people are gathering in person. However, many people have become accustomed to solely online events. Many still participate in them and, in some cases, prefer joining from home.

Hybrid auctions are a very popular type of auction. This type of auction combines an in-person auction with the ability to take bids from online supporters. Event organizers are also able to track the auction’s progress online. Those at the event and those online can place bids from their device, and when the bidding period ends, the highest bidder wins.

Remote Celebrity Events  

Since the pandemic, everyone is comfortable working and taking part in events online. Booking celebrities for fundraising events­—whether they be athletes, business leaders, performers, authors—is easier today because of remote appearances.

For causes these celebrities support, many will do appearances for free. Others will do remote fundraisers for a discounted rate. A NPO can reach out to donors and prospects with a “private event,” that will be “A Conversation with…”

Depending on the financial goals of the event, the attendee list can be restricted to a set number that will allow each attendee to ask the guest a question.

These events can also be held live for the attendees, but remote for the celebrity guest. The point is that it has become easier to book well-known people because the investment of time is relatively small. No travel required.

Because many performers have built mini-studios in their homes, it can also more possible today to enlist a singer/musician performer to entertain your donors without ever leaving their house.

Monthly Giving

Supporters who are not high net-worth individuals who want to give, but aren’t able to write a big check should can be presented with the option of a monthly pledge. A donor may only be able to afford a $50 check today, but if they have a structure in which they can pledge $10 a month, you’ve just increased their yield from $50 to $120.

This works almost like a gym or streaming-service subscription in that it never ends until the individual stops the payments. The more people an NPO can enlist into this program, the greater the reliable monthly cash-flow.

Monthly giving or pledges are efficient when they are managed through our software. These types of donations, once set up, are automated. The only management of that donor, then, becomes relationship management via email and snail-mail, making sure they are invited to events, thanked, receiving newsletters, etc. Research shows that monthly donation programs yields more than 40% greater giving from the same people who previously wrote one-time checks.

All of your touchpoints with these donors, with all your donors, are managed and tracked in our iConnectX fundraising software suite. And at the end of the year, the donor automatically gets a statement of giving they can apply to their tax returns. There is very little for an NPO’s team to do once the system is set up.

There are so many benefits to a monthly giving program:

Benefits of Monthly Giving Programs and Donation Pledges

There are many benefits to your donors subscribing to your monthly giving program.

  • Steady recurring revenue
  • Increased supporter connection and stronger donor base
  • Increased Lifetime Value of donors.
  • Greater supporter engagement.
  • Lower donor acquisition costs.
  • Easier financial forecasting.

Economic times change and stock market returns cycle up and down. But through any rough patch, supporters of your NPO still want to give, still want to feel connected.

When economic downturns occur, people naturally cut back and review their spending. But if they feel they are connected and valued by your NPO, your organization stands a much better chance of making the cut.

During the pandemic, some NPOs, like churches, theatre companies, food banks and outreach organizations for children and families in need reported upticks in giving. Difficult times often make those who are insulated from adversity even more generous.

But establishing that kind of relationship with donors requires sound and stead relationship management.

Using technology to run fundraising activities is an easy way to start to build your funding.  iConnectX is a solution that provides easy-to-use online auction and event ticketing tools for nonprofits.  Best of all, the tools are free to use for US registered nonprofit organizations.  Not sure about using tech for your fundraising, set up a demo to see how it works.

Father’s Day is big business – it’s a popular shopping day with consumer spending in the billions in the United States and the United Kingdom.

Father’s Day in History

How did Father’s Day begin? It began in Southern Europe on the Feast Day of Saint Joseph; today, Father’s Day is celebrated throughout Europe’s Catholic countries on March 19. In the United States, the first Father’s Day took place on July 5, 1908. It was a planned service to commemorate the worst mining accident in the U.S., where hundreds of men lost their lives. In 1972, the U.S. Congress passed an act making Father’s Day a national holiday celebrated annually on the third Sunday in June.

A Fundraising Opportunity

Can you imagine if some of Father’s Day’s spending was directed toward nonprofits? There are many options for your nonprofit to expand its coffers this year. We have engaging ideas to get started on your Father’s Day fundraising – let’s go!

Father’s Day Fundraisers

  1. A drive for self-care kits

Collect daily care items for people in need – razors, shaving cream, toothpaste, deodorant, lotion, sunscreen, soap, etc. If your nonprofit is in human services, this is a winning idea. Many corporations will pledge items in a “one-for-one” element. This means companies, such as hotels or airlines, contribute kits; you receive a donation from the public, and the company gives a match. Another option is to partner with a local business to obtain items.

  1. Community cookbooks

Father’s Day is about family, and food is a great way to get loved ones together. It’s an opportunity to create a product that will bring people together and make your organization money.

We recommend a social media campaign to send out requests for people to submit their favorite recipes. Also, we suggest you create multiple categories, so you don’t end up with the same kind of dishes in the book. Appetizers, desserts, drinks, entrees – make sure you have a specific submission form for each.

Google forms is an easy way to collect information, and it’s free. Also, you can offer people the option to remain anonymous or have their names in the book. If you have anonymous contributions, make sure they give their names and email addresses so you can thank them properly. Lastly, create a Google form for ordering the cookbooks, so your organization knows how many books to purchase. You can even include “teaser” recipes as part of your social media campaign! Once you have your recipes, you can reach out to graphic designers in your area who may do pro bono work; Canva is also a free option for you to create your own design. If you decide not to print with Canva, many cost-effective options are available on the internet.

  1. Poker night or poker run

Poker nights are an entertaining way to fundraise. Nonprofit poker nights on Father’s Day are an excellent activity for the whole family to enjoy if you promote and plan it as a family-friendly event. First, research local laws and regulations to make sure it is legal to host a gambling-related event.

Consider whether you want to charge a flat ticket price that includes a specific number of poker chips and whatever food and beverages you’ll have available for participants – you can even get them donated by community partners!

Suggestion: Create a crowdfunding campaign for your fundraiser. You may have a tight deadline, and crowdfunding will help you raise money quickly. In your promotions, explain why you’re hosting a poker night and how it can be fun for the whole family. Also, be sure to mention that the proceeds will benefit the local community.

  1. Donation drive in honor of fathers

Contributions are the lifeblood of every nonprofit, especially now considering the current state of the economy. You can create a unique Father’s Day campaign where people make donations in honor of someone close to them, especially Dad. When people feel emotionally connected to a cause, they’re more likely to contribute to your nonprofit in the future. If you gain recurring donors, that’s a win!

A platform like iConnectX makes it easy for supporters to donate, with social media integration, custom landing pages, Text-to-Give, custom donation amounts, etc.

  1. Father’s Day golf outing

Golf outings are a proven way for nonprofits to raise funds. Tee Time Magazine reported that in the U.S. alone, there are over 1 million golf outings every year, with an average event raising $5000 net. iConnectX has an eight-step guide to organizing a successful golf outing.

Say “thank you” to Dad 

Giving back to the fathers and father figures who have supported us is essential. Hosting a Father’s Day fundraiser offers unique opportunities; it’s often an overlooked fundraising holiday.

Happy Fundraising!

The final word – iConnectX can help

iConnectX is here to help you plan and manage your fundraisers as seamlessly as possible. Our event ticketing and fundraising solutions are simple to set up for both businesses that fundraise and for nonprofits.

Utilizing iConnectX has multiple benefits:  

· Single-use – no long-term commitment

· Easy setup

· Custom URL and landing page

· Virtual option

· Sponsorship solicitation and branding

· Ticketing, including multi-level and early bird

· Email ticketing with code

· Works on your browser or mobile

· Full reporting

· Text-to-give

· Donation receipts for nonprofits

· Social media sharing

· Software support

· Secure payment processing

· File generation for CRM input

Everyone here at iConnectX is excited for summer, with outdoor activities, parties, and grilling. Why not leverage the joys of summer for fundraising? So, grab hold of summer anticipation and start planning those fundraisers.

We hope you use these concepts to raise top dollars, reinforce supporter relationships, have a good time and make a difference.

Are you ready for some summer fundraising inspiration? Let’s go!

  1. BBQ Dinner or Cooking Competition

This is a fundraiser that demands hungry attendants! Your organization can rent or find donated equipment to host a BBQ dinner in your organization’s parking lot, a local park, or a local venue. Sell meal tickets and have participants pay to compete for the best ‘Q in the area. Suppose your group wants to go the competition route. In that case, you could gather chefs and local restaurants to compete against one another, then sell tickets so guests can taste and vote for their favorites.

  1. Fourth of July Party

Our nation’s independence is a great occasion to throw a party. You can host a BBQ in someone’s yard or at a local park and ask your supporters to bring friends for this fundraiser. Consider charging an entry fee to pay for food and drinks and receive donations at the entrance. If your nonprofit hosts your fundraiser in a public space, ensure you have proper permits and a cleanup crew.

  1. Summer Field Day Fundraiser

This is not only a great fundraising idea. It’s a bonus for parents – they get a chance to wear out their kids! Request small donations, and include events like a wheelbarrow race, sack race, water balloon toss and tug-o-war. Field day is fun for adults, too! Consider utilizing team-based registrations for old-school-themed events that incorporate 1970s or 1980s-style gym clothes.

  1. A Run, Swim or Bike-a-thon

Think about offering optional routes for different skill levels for this kind of event. Of course, fundraising is not a requirement; however, you can inspire participants to collect various amounts before the event by offering a variety of incentives. For example, participants who raise $100 can earn a T-shirt, and people who collect $500 can receive sports gear, like water bottles.

  1. Disc Golf 

Sometimes called Frisbee golf, this is a popular sport. There are courses all over the country  — so chances are you can host a disc golf fundraiser in your area.

  1. Summer Concert

We suggest coordinating with area venues and music acts to create a lineup and sell tickets. Also, consider offering swag bags to those who raise $500 or more.

  1. Golf Outing

Golf tournament fundraisers are an excellent way for nonprofits to raise money. According to Phil Immordino of Tee Times Magazine, over 1 million golf outings occur in the US each year, with the average event raising $5,000 net. Check out iConnectX’s ultimate planning guide to golf fundraisers here.

  1. Film Screening

This is fun twist on summer movie nights. You can host a movie viewing in a public park or coordinate with area businesses to host it in a large enough area for a drive-in. You can sell tickets and refreshments and ask for donations at the entrance. Summer movie ideas include: Jurassic Park, The Avengers, or classic summer blockbuster flicks like Ghostbusters and National Lampoon’s European Vacation. 

  1. Summer Fun Scavenger Hunt 

This fundraiser may take more planning than expected, but you can make it memorable. Consider partnering with area businesses to create an “Amazing Race” style scavenger hunt. Leave clues and challenges around town for contestants to locate and complete. Request that people register as teams and have a minimum amount to raise to enter.

  1. Food & Drink Festival

Your nonprofit can host its own version of the many famous beer, wine and food festivals around the country. If there’s a kind of food or drink your region is renowned for, you can highlight that. Arrange sponsorships with area beverage distributors, supermarkets, restaurants, breweries and restaurants, then sell tickets in advance.

The Final Word

iConnectX can get you started on planning your summer fundraiser, including online ticketing, RSVP and guest list management, landing pages, social media integration, text-to-give and secure payments.

We are here to help your nonprofit succeed!

Golf tournament fundraisers are an excellent way for nonprofits to raise money. According to Phil Immordino of Tee Times Magazine, over 1 million golf outings occur in the US each year, with the average event raising $5,000 net. The amount you raise will depend on the size of your organization – some events raise $100,000 to $500,000, but that takes unique ingredients. Generally speaking, supporters who attend golf outing fundraisers can and will spend the money participating in golf events. These events can be reasonably easy for an organization to manage.

While planning your fundraiser, you can include all or a few of the ideas we mention in this article. People who golf love to golf, and we believe you will have an incredible turnout for your outing. Read on for eight tips to get your own golf fundraiser going and some added elements to raise more money for your organization.

Here you’ll learn:

  • Choose the date and location
  • Set your fundraising goal
  • Enlist volunteers
  • Design a theme
  • Pick other fundraising events to play at the outing
  • Secure sponsors
  • Market your event
  • Select a photographer
  1. Choose the date and location

The first task is to pick your date and where to have your golf outing. Many event planners suggest setting fundraising goals and a budget before arranging the date and site. However, golf tournaments are different due to the cost of golf course time. Also, the location may determine the number of foursomes you can include and how much money you will raise.

To determine your event location, it’s critical to find a golf course that will make your event ticket price affordable for your donors. Check out your donor database to figure out how much people were willing to donate to your nonprofit in the past. This helps determine your ticket price.

Consider whether golfers will want to play your course of choice since golfers are discerning about where they play. Holding your outing at a private club that many folks can’t use, you may be able to attract high-income donors. Keep in mind that many nonprofits have golf fundraisers, which means there’s a lot of competition – so you might not get a venue discount if you ask for it.

Lastly, it’s beneficial to research nearby nonprofits to scope out when they’re having their golf fundraisers to not duplicate the date.

  1. Set a fundraising goal

After you have your location set, create a realistic fundraising goal and a budget. Your development office can help you determine how much you need to raise. In further steps, your team will play a more prominent role in figuring out how to fundraise.

Your past fundraising accomplishments and failures can assist you in determining how much a golf outing fundraiser will benefit your nonprofit. There’s a better chance of success if you have a set of donors who love golf and have participated in past silent and live auctions.

Tip: Once you’ve set your goal, add a progress meter to your fundraiser page. A progress meter is a great way to ensure that your fundraiser is focused on your target. It keeps your team encouraged, and shares progress with donors, sponsors and prospective donors. Furthermore, it creates a sense of urgency!


Consider what your expenses will be after the golf course fee, like food, drinks and signage. Think about adding signage at each hole to promote your organization’s mission and acquire sponsorships. Further costs include tickets, advertising and prizes. Also, many golf tournaments include a dinner or a lunch. The location you’ve chosen will likely have room rental costs available for this part of your event and food since golf clubs won’t allow outside food and caterers. An event platform like iConnectX offers social media integration, customizable landing pages, online event ticketing and event marketing best practices to share.


Your event should bring in revenue from several sources:

  • Ticket sales
  • Sponsorships
  • Silent and live auction
  • Games
  1. Enlist plenty of volunteers

A golf outing needs plenty of volunteers. Build a fundraising team of volunteers to assist with planning and managing your event. You can choose from several different directions to go in for your golf outing. Still, we recommend having at least five people to help plan your event and put them in charge of specific planning areas.

Besides the planning committee, you’ll require more volunteers on the golf outing day. You’ll need volunteers to run the games at each hole, assist golfers and manage the fundraising dinner and auction. You may be able to find businesses that offer volunteers for a big event like a golf outing. Please remember it will take quite a bit of time to recruit plenty of volunteers to assist in planning and running the tournament.

Tip: Speak with your board members first to see who would like to join the planning committee. Your board has connections to fellow community leaders. Thanks to these connections, your board members can help procure sponsorships, sell tickets and attain auction items.

  1. Design a theme

We’ve mentioned there are plenty of golf tournaments out there – make yours stand out with a memorable, cool theme.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Wine tastings with a professional sommelier
  • Whiskey/Bourbon or Martinis and Cigars
  • Great Gatsby
  • Kentucky Derby (in early May)
  • Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year’s in warm climates
  1. More games

Since ticket sales only cover the food and golf course costs, you’ll want to have other games. Have a live or silent auction if your outing includes a lunch or dinner. Auctions add hundreds or thousands of dollars to nonprofit coffers, depending on the items for bid. Make a list of things for your fundraising team to secure that will have the most significant opportunity of raising money.

Tip: Golfers love private clubs. If you hold your event at a private club, request a foursome donation to include in the auction. You can also ask other area clubs too.

Make it easy: a fundraising platform like iConnectX offers live and silent auction tools with secure bidding and payment features.

  1. Secure sponsors

Raising funds via sponsors is a time-tested development method. Business partnerships must be tailored for each organization contacted. Suppose a big company is willing to assist your organization with a sizable contribution. In that case, you may want to offer them a naming sponsorship. Example: the iConnectX Golf Tournament for ______ Nonprofit. 

You can offer hole sponsorships for a few hundred dollars in exchange for a company name and logo on signage at a specific course hole. Many companies will pay more to sponsor holes at a putting contest or hole-in-one holes. We strongly recommend finding different sponsors for each hole. You may want to offer each sponsor an opportunity to set up a table at their location to share swag.

Check out our article on the mutually beneficial relationships between nonprofits and business.

  1. Promotion

Online ticket sales

While promoting your golf outing, create an email campaign to encourage ticket sales. Include a link to an online landing page with a signup form where tickets can be purchased, and people can make donations. Another great way to promote your event is on social media with regular updates. Create and share posts every time you get a new sponsor or receive great auction items.

iConnectX does all the heavy lifting when it comes to landing pages, crowdfunding and online ticketing – you can manage your RSVPs and promote in one place.

About crowdfunding – it’s an effective way to promote ticket sales. A crowdfunding platform offers a simple donation form, a tab for updates, a donor wall, a progress meter, etc. All of these features help get more registrations!


If your fundraising team and your board help sell foursomes, you’ll likely sell all your tickets. Word of mouth is always the optimal way to promote. They can accomplish this by email and social media!

  1. Hire a photographer

A golf tournament is ripe with photo opportunities, and this is even more relevant if attendees are dressed up. When donors are having a good time, your nonprofit promotes its mission, and sponsors advertise on the golf course, great pictures are made. Make sure you use these pics on social media accounts and your website and offer them to your sponsors to use on their own sites.

The iConnectX Difference

iConnectX is a comprehensive, fun-to-use and straightforward fundraising platform. We have you covered from online ticketing, RSVP and guest list management, social media integration, auction tools, secure bidding, and payments. Also, our platform is free for nonprofits to use; the only cost is a payment processing fee.

Nonprofit fundraising often involves many events and campaigns that have no connection. However, digital fundraising has become a lifeline in the last two years. With it came opportunities to reach new and larger audiences, the ability to integrate and automate campaigns with stewardship practices. This enabled new means to find new audiences, nurture new donor relationships and create stronger relationships with current donors.

Here we will review why digital fundraising is necessary for nonprofits and strategies to improve your organization’s donor base and funding.

Here are six great digital fundraising strategies for nonprofits:  

  1. Create a branded donation page
  2. Launch a crowdfunding campaign
  3. Focus on local SEO
  4. Run a text-to-give campaign
  5. Form a strategic partnership
  6. Up your social media game

Before we take a deeper dive into these strategies, let us review digital fundraising and why it is valuable for nonprofits.

What is digital fundraising? 

Digital fundraising incorporates online fundraising tactics and applications to reach a wider audience, nurture relationships with new donors, and build relationships with the current donor base. It is an ongoing process that begins with online outreach using emails, websites and social media. Following a donor’s first donation, a nonprofit can craft an automatic reply for your organization to steward their gift. As your nonprofit maintains a relationship with that donor, continue to reach out to that donor; watch how their actions change to build a deeper connection. The goal is to develop a long-lasting donor relationship that benefits your organization in the long term.

Why is digital fundraising critical for nonprofits? 

It used to take a significant amount of time and work to build donor relationships. Many smaller nonprofits have smaller staff and volunteers to maintain donor relationships and connect with them personally. Digital fundraising makes outreach and stewardship easier for these smaller nonprofits.

In addition to that, digital fundraising:

Raises awareness – digital fundraising helps organizations reach more people through social media and online fundraising. Nonprofits can create exciting fundraisers that grab donors’ attention and boost their involvement; examples include crowdfunding and peer-to-peer fundraising. When a donor becomes increasingly involved in fundraising campaigns, their community learns about the organization and will probably act on its behalf.

Nonprofits use digital fundraising methods beyond crowdfunding and peer-to-peer campaigns to improve donor retention. To improve donor involvement and retention, digital fundraising techniques like text-to-give, recurring donations and matching gifts are ways donors can support a nonprofit easily. The convenience of these methods encourages donors to remain involved and keep giving.

Reduces the workload – thanks to technology, automated online fundraising and donor management are simpler and more affordable than before. With fundraising platforms like iConnectX, nonprofits can send automatic gift acknowledgments and track donations.

Increases donations – donors are grateful for the convenience of digital fundraising – it helps them feel like valued contributors.

Top Digital Fundraising Strategies for Nonprofits

Digital fundraising boosts nonprofits’ efforts by increasing revenue. It may be overwhelming with many types and means of online/digital fundraising. Here we’ll cover techniques to allow for understanding digital fundraising.


  1. Create a branded donation page

Everything begins with the website. Branding makes an organization memorable; consider large corporations like Nike or nonprofits like the Susan G. Komen Foundation (think: pink ribbon.) It may seem like nonprofits could face a challenge branding in such a manner, but they can! Digital fundraising platforms like iConnectX offer branding capabilities on landing and donation pages. Branding builds trust and awareness.

  1. Crowdfunding

Donors want to feel appreciated and valuable. Crowdfunding campaigns allow organizations to fundraise for specific programs by reaching out to donors who take a particular interest in said programs. There are several crowdfunding options available. iConnectX offers such an option that offers social media integration and email updates for donors.

  1. Google advertising

Some small nonprofits consider Google ads out of their price range. However, Google recently created Google Grants. With Google Grants, nonprofits have an opportunity to receive $10,000 worth of Google advertising. This is a massive opportunity for nonprofits to reach wider audiences than ever, and it’s often the only way to rank close to the top of the Google search results.

  1. Increase social media activity

Social media provides many people with news and connections to the world. It’s an error for nonprofits to ignore this fact – social media offers an opportunity to reach broad and outlying audiences. Using social channels gives nonprofits the chance to connect with donors and the community through social sharing.

  1. Focus on SEO

Many nonprofits are small and medium-sized local organizations that directly benefit the community near them. Sometimes, crowdfunding may not make sense for these groups. Rather than crowdfunding, small-sized, locally-focused nonprofits may want to focus on SEO tactics that target their local area. Keyword use and digital applications that connect nonprofits with area donors help these nonprofits reach online audiences.

  1. Create a text-to-give campaign

Text to give campaigns grow increasingly popular thanks to the number of platforms that offer them. These campaigns give nonprofits a chance to receive donations by text in only a few steps:

  • Set up a text campaign and gets a unique campaign ID
  • Share that ID and text number across online platforms
  • Donors text that campaign ID to the phone number or short code; they receive a link to the donation page

This is an easy campaign to run, and it’s convenient for donors. iConnectX offers text-to-give – it is simple to set up and easy for donors to use.

The Final Word

Investing in a solid digital fundraising platform is key to success. iConnectX is free for nonprofits to use – the only charges incurred are transaction fees. With iConnectX, nonprofits can plan and manage live, online and hybrid events, handle online ticketing, hold auctions, etc. We are here to help you raise more funds for your mission!