Just like the other sectors, COVID-19 has turned the nonprofit sector on its head. With around 5-10% of the US economy and 10% of the US employment dependent on nonprofit services, the pandemic has only made the country realize the power of this sector. And for good!

However, the way it has evolved during these unprecedented times is commendable. The nonprofit sector has, thus, given a path to a few trends that have made their way into 2021 and will continue to hold a firm grasp.

In this guide, we will dive deeper to understand 4 ways the nonprofit sector will evolve stronger in 2021.

1. Nonprofit Sector Will Turn Digital & Virtual

Because COVID seemed to be in no mood to leave us alone, the nonprofits eventually shifted from in-person to virtual events. While this shift was expected to be short-lived, the news is that it will continue over 2021 and beyond.

That’s precisely because digital events succeeded in blurring the geographical barriers, letting people (who otherwise wouldn’t have) participate.

Further, the lack of in-person volunteering has and will continue to make the virtual aspect of nonprofit marketing outshine the previous methodologies. This means that nonprofits will (have to) incorporate live-streaming, curate content for live events, install chat apps and promote virtual volunteerism.

This move will eradicate the largest barrier to volunteering i.e. volunteers citing busy schedules as an excuse. Volunteering from the comfort of their homes, thus, gives people their own space to bring about a difference in their own way.

Not just this, the focus will also shift a little more on digital communication, be it for meet-and-greets, fundraising, or likewise.

We might also see an evolution of virtual events. Here’s why!

Post a recent study from the Goodman Center that pointed out how 65% of the respondents raised concerns regarding videoconferences adding up to their fatigue, fear of virtual fundraising events becoming difficult cropped up alongside.

For example – For nonprofits that offer educational services, videoconferencing is not the best source.

Thus, the virtual event market is likely to experience a seachange and new tools will be introduced to support the online programs. This will enhance the experience of the attendees and donors.

2. High-Tech Technology Will Help Nonprofits Find Their Donors

Nonprofits will delve into high-tech solutions like

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Blockchain for Fundraising
  • Outcome Management
  • Enhanced Communication

This will be done to find the right donors.

For Example Direct mails or social media conversations are the primary mode of communication for nonprofits to target their potential audience.

However, these are still too basic to make an impact. AI is expected to wave its magic wand and introduce tools like automation which will personalize the messages along with reducing the effort while increasing the impact. Cool, right?

But how can these tools be managed?

Well, it’s simple! These tools can be added through managed cloud services, thereby letting the nonprofits boost their services whenever needed.

With tools like chatbots, AI can really turn the tables in terms of conducting better and brighter campaigns/events; be it serving the community in whatever way.

Long story short, nonprofits will enhance their communication using the latest technology.

Mobile, for one, will become a hotshot in 2021; thanks to the mobile marketing techniques that are impressively improving at an exponential rate.

According to research from the Blackbaud Institute, mobile donations represented 26% of all online donations in 2019, up from just 9% in 2014.

Giving Tuesday has seen $2.47 billion in donations in 2020 which is much higher than $1.97 billion in 2019. It is interesting to note that most of these donations have been through mobile.

3. Nonprofits Will See More Partnerships, Mergers, and Joint Ventures

As every business does, even nonprofit organizations tend to grow their branches into different areas where they can expand their programs. While they have the resources to carry out the expansion of operations, they don’t really have the right knowledge to do so. A human can only know so much, after all!

Because a single entity can’t have all the specializations, taking into consideration the technological and demographic shifts, 2021 will see nonprofits forming joint ventures, mergers, and partnerships.

In other words –

  • Some nonprofits will enter into strategic partnerships with other nonprofit organizations.
  • Some nonprofits will form joint partnerships with for-profit organizations.
  • Some nonprofits will consider mergers, either with other nonprofit or for-profit entities.

In 2021, we’ll witness nonprofits having concrete conversations regarding this with one another and also with the corporations to make a better impact.

Not just this, but many nonprofits are attuned to both private and public organizational goals and needs. This will make them create more public-private partnerships in 2021.

4. Grantmaking Will Become More Collaborative

Even before COVID-19 gave us all a blow, nonprofits were witnessing a shift in the grants process. Everybody related to this industry knows how crucial grants as resources are for nonprofits to fund and boost services that are offered to the communities.

But nobody worked towards making the grant process easier even after knowing how cumbersome it is for both the grantor and the grantee.

However, last year, we all saw how traditional grantmaking succumbed to pressure. This was because the demand for funds exponentially increased and grantors hustled to get grants out faster.

It is indeed commendable that nonprofits and Grantmakers could collectively raise their concern regarding this issue after all these years, thus coming up with a solution.

For Example: Outbound Funds Module is an open-source product that was built to help organizations disburse funds quickly and easily.

To enhance the collaboration between grantors and grantees, salesforce.org has built Grants Management as a complement to Outbound Funds. This has improved the grants experience right from the step of applying for the application to its distribution to its reporting.

Another example is The Malala Foundation. It records donor interactions through Grant Management and takes supporters on a convenient ride – right from the first step of initial conversation to the last step of donating. This not only lets them have an insight into how the donor’s journey has been but also the zeal to improve since they have the loopholes.

Thus, the relationship between grantors and grantees is likely to turn less transactional and more collaborative in 2021.

Some key changes that will be introduced are –

  • Better processes
  • Higher transparency
  • More feedbacks

Wrapping Up

With the world adapting to the new normal after the pandemic, it is only natural that people will adapt to the changes introduced in the nonprofit sector.

Because the world demanded it, even iConnectX as a brand revamped itself and now offers all nonprofits a digital platform and the right technology to hold virtual events, raise funds, carry out auctions, and more.

The thing is one can’t really lag when there’s a shift in the needs of the community.

Nevertheless, all the trends that are bound to evolve in the nonprofit sector will only give it a push to achieve newer and better heights. Even though it might seem difficult to replace the personal touch of a call, technology will soon take over, turning automation into the new “personal.”

It’s all subjective.

In case you are struggling or ever struggle dealing with the digitalization/virtualization of nonprofits or any of the points discussed above, remember iConnectX is just a live chat/call away.

Online fundraising is a way through which nonprofit organizations raise money via the internet. It usually involves an online donation page and can include mobile giving or peer-to-peer fundraising, among others.

With an overall growth of 4.1% over the past year in online giving, 2021 has been the 6th consecutive year of growth for nonprofits dealing in online fundraising.

How is Online Fundraising the Major Source of Revenue?

Online Fundraising has its own pros when it comes to becoming the major source of revenue. Let’s discuss the same in detail.

1. Online Fundraising is for All Nonprofit Sizes

Contrary to the popular belief that shares how only bigger organizations have the chance to grow exponentially via online fundraising, it is quite the opposite in reality. Not just this but according to the yearly reports, small, medium, and large organizations grew their online giving by a stellar margin, thus reiterating how fundraising is apt for all nonprofits, whatever be their size. In fact, small organizations showed the greatest increase in online giving.

Because every type of nonprofit has ended up growing through online fundraising, the overall revenue it generates is humongous. No wonder it has fast grown up to be the major source of revenue.

2. Online Fundraising is for All Ages

According to the most recent data, the average donor in the United States is 64 years old and makes 2 charitable gifts a year. We see a shift here as younger donors are now actively engaging with nonprofits that have successfully tapped into online marketing.

Creating a strong online presence is, thus, of the utmost importance for any nonprofit so it can attract a younger, more tech-savvy audience.

Gone are the days when online fundraising used to only connect the supporters with a cause. It has successfully leveled up and now connects a person to another.

For Example, Barbells for Boobs, an organization raising money for breast cancer showcases the pictures and progress of fundraisers on their website. It’s their way of being authentic, thereby driving more funding.

Online fundraising has, therefore, nothing to do with age since anybody can be an active donor. However, it has everything to do with equipping the prospects with the right tools. Once they are empowered in this domain, they will not only support the cause but will also bring more contributors.

For example: When the organization Sing 4 America launched a campaign that was easy to follow, it activated 90% of their fundraising community. That’s the power of devising powerful campaigns. Besides this, 56 was the average age of the contributors that came forward to help.

Because age doesn’t matter here, the number of people who can come forward for the donations increases manifold and so do the contributions. This makes online fundraising a great revenue booster.

3.Online Fundraising is for All Sectors

According to the Giving USA report, all nonprofit subsectors have been witnessing year-over-year growth in online giving.

Most nonprofit subsectors even witnessed a greater increase in online fundraising receipts compared with overall giving.

Whatever be the sector – arts, culture, finance, education, etc. online fundraising works equally well in every domain, with slight fluctuations every now and then.

Some Facts About Online Fundraising

  • More than a third of overall charitable giving happens in the last three months of the year, and around 30% of annual online gifts are made in December.
  • Average gift sizes increase by as much as 50% in the last few days of the year.
  • Female donors are more likely to donate because of social media marketing, while male donors are more likely to give because of email messages.
  • Overall online revenue generated from online fundraising increased by 23% over the past year, up from 15%.
  • Online donations to environmental and human rights-related missions grew the most, 34% and 37% respectively.
  • Online donation pages had an average conversion rate of 8% on mobile devices last year, but the number of transactions completed through mobile devices increased by 50%.
  • The number of donations completed through desktop browsers decreased by 10%.

Where Does Bulk of Revenue Come From For Nonprofit Funding Sources?

Nonprofit organizations demand tapping into newer ways of raising revenue every year. This is because they constantly need to try things out to reach their goal while keeping the cause intact.

While the themes on which the organization works varies with each passing year and so do the donors, what doesn’t change much is the source of funding.

4 ways that make online fundraising generate the biggest revenue.

Fees for Service

Whenever the word ‘nonprofit’ is uttered, a picture of donors offering their donations is conjured. However, what most of us fail to realize is that there indeed is a certain amount of income that comes from the fees that they charge for their services or from the sale of products.

Statistics show that the funds garnered from the service fees account for about 48% of the total revenue for nonprofit organizations.

2. Charitable Contributions

There are no two ways about nonprofits receiving funding from myriad sources. But the highest percentage of funding comes from individual charitable contributions.

Giving USA Report 2018 shows that in 2017, the total charitable contributions made in the United States were roughly $410.02 billion, whereby 71 percent of this amount was from individual contributors.

3. Corporate Philanthropy

Corporate philanthropy has become the talk of the town and a crucial aspect of nonprofit organizations. Consequently, these organizations are continuously making corporate partnerships that help in cause-related marketing and sponsorships.

Even companies motivate their employees to make donations. Thus, the nonprofits that connect with some companies are bound to benefit.

4. Government Grants

Nonprofit organizations receive their funds from all government levels, provided their cause is genuine. This results in easy media access, higher education, and public education.

Not only this, the expenses for the programs, events, and workshops that are conducted by the nonprofit organizations are covered by the government, especially when it comes to healthcare and human service.

How Can Your Nonprofit Organization Generate More Revenue?

1. Go Digital. Go Mobile-Friendly

Even though digital marketing is quick. Digital funding takes time. So even if you let yourself dive into the pool of digitalization, you’ll have to give funding some time. Take small steps. Create a website. Drive traffic. Build an email list.

2. Make Online Donations Easy

How? With the right software! You can create a fundraising page for your event attendees upon signup, personalize their pages, customize the CTA options, and more.

This is where iConnectX comes into play. It gives all nonprofits a platform to hold virtual events.

Besides this, when you have the right software, your physical event doesn’t need to be limited by geographical boundaries. You can easily expand participation beyond a city, a state, a nation, and more.

Fundraising software also opens the door for your event to raise “gifts on the go.” A mobile responsive landing page allows a donor to instantly connect with your cause and make a payment.

This can, thus, help increase the revenue of your nonprofit organization by leaps and bounds.

If you’re tempted to try out the industry’s best fundraising software, don’t forget to get in touch with iConnectX through a call or live chat.

We’d love to run you through it.

Our brains are wired in a way that the moment the word ‘volunteering’ pops, we imagine tending to the needs of the elderly, tutoring the underprivileged, and likewise. All in person!

However, it’s time we change this because Virtual Volunteering is now the talk of the town and this trend is here to stay for the good. But what is this new thing people call Virtual Volunteering? Let’s find out.

What is Virtual Volunteering?

Virtual volunteering or online volunteering is when someone donates their virtual time and skills to an organization or an institution without physically being present at the site. All you need is an internet connection to deliver your skills from the comfort of your home!

Virtual Volunteering proved to be a boon during the pandemic, and had it not been for the coronavirus, this trend would have still been at a nascent stage. But now, online volunteering has not just bloomed, it quite literally has a garden of its own.

Also Read: How to Create a Virtual Auction – The Ultimate Guide to Set Up

And why not? With the world adjusting to ‘working from home’ scenarios, volunteering virtually for a cause that is close to one’s heart makes perfect sense. Moreover, this shift was important to keep the economy of the country up and running, and for the nonprofits that mostly depend on volunteer work.

The Importance of Online Volunteering Opportunities

While the pandemic opened the Pandora Box of problems, the way online volunteering opportunities has put most of them back is commendable. The list of how it has benefited the e-volunteers (digital volunteers or virtual volunteers) is huge. Some of the noteworthy benefits are:


In online volunteer work, you are your own boss and can work at your own pace and time. There can nothing be better than this! This way, one not only ends up developing time-management skills but has something concrete to add to the resume. What more; the search engines designed to offer virtual service opportunities enable the volunteers to filter the opportunities as per the time they want to devote.


You only have to present your skills. You are not required to dress up and represent the firm. This means one can be a night owl or a morning person as per the mood. Not only this, between the two focus points i.e. a virtual volunteer and an online virtual opportunity, there are absolutely no restrictions that prevail like physical deformities, distance, dirty politics, etc. If you are skilled, you will lead no matter what!


You can fully explore the sea of online virtual opportunities as you are no longer restricted either by distance, location, or area. Instead, taking up online volunteer work for a new, far-off location will only enhance your skills, better your sense of understanding, and teach you new things. Now, what can be better than this? You are enjoying and learning at the same time. A total win-win situation.

Also Read: Virtual Fundraising Ideas for Nonprofits – Online Events

Online/Virtual Service Opportunities

Now that we know the importance of virtual volunteer opportunities, let’s delve a bit deeper into what sort of service opportunities can one find in the virtual world. Some of them are as follows:

  • Translating/Transcription of documents
  • Proofreading documents/translations/transcripts
  • Researching on topics for content management
  • Designing a website/inner pages/landing pages
  • Writing press releases and proposals
  • Designing SMO posts to keep people engaged
  • Organizing events to create awareness
  • Designing a newsletter or a publication
  • Providing expertise – legal, financial, business
  • Counselling people
  • Mentoring the mentees
  • Managing accounts
  • Developing strategic plans for the firm’s growth
  • Creating logo
  • Raising funds for a cause
  • Empowering the volunteers to make the most of fundraising
  • Tutoring kids

Please note that these virtual service opportunities are just the tip of the iceberg. The online volunteer opportunities offered in the real world are much more diverse than this and the number is a lot higher too. You can type in keywords like “online volunteer opportunities” or “virtual online work for nonprofits” or anything that you deem fit to search online. If not, we have a ready reckoner of resources for you to refer to in case you are falling short of virtual volunteering ideas.

Some Volunteer Resources That Can Help You Out

  • AARP’s Create the Good
  • Idealist.org hub of Covid-19-related virtual volunteer opportunities
  • All for Good, a service of the Points of Light Foundation
  • The United Nations posts global volunteering opportunities
  • Volunteer Match’s Covid-19 hub

Virtual Volunteer Events

Now, what if you choose to be a part of an organization that needs to raise funds for a cause? An event will have to be put into an order where people can bid (if it’s an auction) or donate (if it’s a donation), right?

And clearly, in-person donations and auctions are something nobody would prefer, especially now when the world is wreaking havoc, thanks to the pandemic. But just because in-person events are off the table doesn’t mean organizations can’t raise money!

It’s here that virtual volunteer events fill in the gap. However, how online volunteer events work is a thing to discuss.

How Do Virtual Volunteer Events Work?

The steps involved in making any virtual event work are as follows:

  1. Choose the right platform for the online event to raise funds for nonprofit
  2. Promote the virtual event as much as possible
  3. Connect with the supporters
  4. Follow-up with the supporters

Among all these points, nothing really works if the foundation is flawed. Choosing the right platform/ software for the virtual event is, thus, the base that can make or break the entire event.

The platform should be such that it is user-friendly, allows easy payments, provides notifications, and encourages participation.

How to Choose the Right Platform for Virtual Events?

  • Choose an all-in-one platform that has everything in place.
  • Go for the technology that offers virtual networking.
  • Look if the platform offers additional insights and tools.
  • Pay attention to the user-experience the platform offers.

One of the best platforms worth considering is iConnectX as it not only encourages online participation, it also fulfills the above criteria. And any platform that fulfills the same is bound to make any virtual online event a total success.

Wrapping Up

Virtual volunteering is, thus, a process that encompasses a volunteer helping an institute from the comfort of the home using skills that are delivered online.

While the benefits of online volunteering are umpteen and can easily be understood, finding online volunteer opportunities are a tad bit on the tougher end. And what is even tougher is its execution part. Because we understand the entire scenario, resources wherefrom opportunities can be found are shared along with the platform you can use to carry on with virtual events.

Long story short, going ahead with an online event can be tricky but not when you have the right software. iConnectX is one of the best solutions for the same. Being a leading event management platform, one can easily promote, tally registrations, sell tickets, and do a lot more to make the online event a success.

Get in Touch with Us

If you still have how(s), why(s), and what(s) making you feel dizzy, we are here to help you out. All you need to do is get in touch with one of our team members by either giving us a call or by joining the live chat.

The fundraising landscape has undergone a complete transformation during the last year. These changes were probably imminent, but the pandemic has speeded the process. A phenomenal rise in the number of donors worldwide coupled with online donations becoming the preferred mode of giving have given nonprofits food for thought on adapting to the changing scenario!

Although 2020 was not a year to write home about, it has been a year that has witnessed a boost of nearly 7.5% in year on year giving in the first six months. (Source: Report by Fundraising Effectiveness Project) It is also encouraging to observe that the first six months of 2020 also saw an increase 12.6% in new donors and the donor retention rate surged by 1.8%. (Source: Philanthropy News Digest )

It is heartening to observe the growth in the attitude among people across different demographics globally to donate in different ways to charities amid the pandemic. However, when an individual or an organization donates, they would like to make sure that they are connecting with genuine nonprofits. Hence, the onus is entirely on the nonprofit to use the right resources and establish its creditability. An online fundraising platform is the best way for a nonprofit to make itself visible in the digital world.

Also, the nonprofit should ensure that it offers and experience that meets the expectations of its users.

What do the donors want?

  • Information about the nonprofit before they donate.
  • They want simple and secure donation methods.
  • They want to feel a part of a charity initiative.
  • There are some who also want their act of philanthropy to be in the public eye.

Fundraising platforms are the best solution for nonprofits to cope with the ever-changing demands of the audience.

A fundraising platform offers a central source to manage different aspects of online fundraising. It helps manage multiple donors, organize campaigns, offer forms, facilitate credit card donations and many more.

When you search for best fundraising websites on Google, you will find a list of names such as Classy, Fundly, Donately, etc. And, when you look at the detailed information about each one, you will find that each one offers features that might be just right for your nonprofit! So, which one do you choose?

Selecting a fundraiser can be quite overwhelming!

Let me make it easy for you by breaking it into small bites:

Step 1: Establishing the Purpose of the Platform

First, you need to find out why you need a fundraising platform-what are you trying to achieve through the platform? For instance, is your platform for attracting new donors or is it to move your existing donors to an online space? Each of such objectives warrant different features of the fundraising platform. Therefore, if you are clear with the purpose, it will make it easier for you to shortlist relevant platforms.

Step 2: Determining Fundraising Strategies for your Nonprofit

Each charity adopts different fundraising strategies such as crowdfunding, charity auctions, peer-to-peer fundraising, etc. There is specific software that supports each of these strategies. Therefore, you can select the platforms that offer the relevant software for your purpose. It may also happen that you may require a combination of software. It is recommended that you choose a platform that supports most fundraising strategies. Also, it should have the flexibility to support additional needs at a later stage. Identifying the relevant software further narrows down your search for the best fundraising platform.

Step 3: Comparing Online Fundraising Platforms

You can compare the different platforms based on the following criteria:

1. Support Offered: Make sure to check the support and training offered for setting up and running the online fundraising platform.

2. Flexibility to Customize: It is also important to choose a platform that can be customized for your nonprofit. it should be easy to customize the forms, etc. with your logo and color scheme so that it is easy for your audience to identify your brand.

3. Ease of Use: Choose a platform that is easy for you to set up and run while offering an excellent experience to your users.

You need to make donating simple for your users. Therefore, choose a fundraising website that is user-friendly and easy to navigate. Also, make sure that your online donation platform offers plenty of secure donation options to users.

Make sure that the fundraising platform is responsive and allows donations through mobile as well.

4. Budget: By now you would have shortlisted the best online fundraising platforms for your nonprofit. Most of these nonprofit fundraising websites will likely offer comparable features. You can filter out the online fundraising platforms based on your budget. The cost of the platform is a vital factor for selection. While you must not compromise on the features required, you need to ascertain that the cost of the online fundraising platform is within your budget. It is recommended to conduct a cost-benefit analysis before deciding on the best online fundraising platform. Also, bear in mind that you might have to bear additional expenses for add-ons for some fundraising platforms.

Step 4: Finalizing

Once you have narrowed down your options to 2-3 fundraising platforms for nonprofits, check the reliability and performance. The best way to verify these aspects is by looking at the reviews and testimonials posted on the site. You could even connect with users and ask them about their experience with the platform. This will help you finalize the best online fundraising platform for your nonprofit.

This is a brief overview of how you can choose the best online fundraising platform for your nonprofit.

One of the best fundraising platforms for a nonprofit is iConnectX. This platform has all the features to support end-to-end event management, secure donations, forms, etc. iConnectX is a platform that has a long history in the field of philanthropy. It has been a part of several nonprofit initiatives over the years supporting both offline and online nonprofit events. The proven track record of iConnectX makes it an ideal fundraising platform for nonprofits. This platform supports a myriad of online fundraising strategies such as online auctions, crowdfunding, and many more.

iConnectX is a platform that has evolved over the years adapting to changing circumstances adopting innovative technologies. It has kept pace with technology to ensure that it offers its users the best experience while participating in philanthropic activities. It is a technologically advanced platform with regular updates to offer users the best features.

Asking for donations is something that transforms people into a bundle of nerves! But because it is the staff of life for nonprofits, it just cannot be neglected. We understand this to its core and that is the reason we have compiled a list of 8 tips to ask for donations for a fundraiser.

8 Tips to Ask for Donations

Asking someone for donation in-person is a daunting task and an especially a time-consuming when someone has outsider’s view. You have to pitch your nonprofit’s mission and vision successfully to convince them to support your nonprofit monetarily. Luckily, we have some tips for you to pitch individuals for donations. Let’s have a look at the 8 best practices for asking for donations.

1. Know Exactly Whom to Ask

With a whole slew of information available online, finding out the right donors is not a hard nut to crack. But (of course, there is a but) only if you know whom to ask. That is the only catch!

For this, research, research, and research some more till you find donors that resonate with your cause.

Since your donors will most definitely fall into two categories: (a) individuals and (b) businesses, let us find out how they should be approached.

How to Ask Individuals for Donations:

According to the USA Giving Report 2019, donations by individuals made up 69% of total giving in 2019. This makes it more important for fundraisers to streamline their efforts in this direction. One major tip while asking individuals for charity is to be as genuine and honest in your appeal as you can be. There is no other way!

How to Ask Businesses for Donations:

Many companies have departments that dedicatedly work with charitable groups. There is a CSR (corporate social responsibility) budget allocated to philanthropic causes which makes it rather easy to raise funds through them. However, there are certain tips for fundraisers to be kept in mind which are as follows-

A) Connect with the right person (An intern will not know much while a manager will)

B) Make your cause & motive clear right at the beginning

C) Learn & follow the request procedures (if any)

D) Be kind & respectful in your dealings

While these tips are just the spike of the iceberg, let us find out what the other 7 tips to ask for donations are.

2. Know What You are Asking For

With myriad charitable options, it is important that you know what you are looking for. Monetary donations? In-kind donations? What? Be very clear and proceed accordingly. Here is a sneak-peek into how you can do so with efficiency.

How to Ask for Charity Donations?

Charity can be done in innumerable ways. While the easiest is to do it with cash, you might be looking for support in the form of school supplies, food, etc. Let’s discuss how to ask for donations when the two main types are involved.

How to Ask for Monetary Donations

As a matter of fact, trusting a sibling with money (let alone a fundraising platform) is difficult for any individual. You, therefore, need to have an emotional appeal that tugs at the heartstrings of your prospect donor, so s/he believes in you and your cause. Even though it is not a brain teaser, it is not a no-brainer too. With many lacking in this fundamental area, it becomes an important tip to ask for donations.

Also Read: Fundraising Trends 2021: Latest Trends for Nonprofits

How to Ask for In-Kind Donations:

Next comes the second category that involves charity in the form of goods and services. If you are looking for something like this as a fundraiser, make sure this comes across as crystal clear in your very first meeting/call/mail. Be polite. Acknowledge what the other person has to say. And sincerely feel connected to your cause. Energies and vibes about how you feel matter!

3. No Surprises, Please!

If the prospect donor does not get to know the aim of your conversation in the initial 5 minutes, you are doing it all wrong.

4. Be Ready to Take No(s) For an Answer

While some will say yes, a lot of them will say, “No” to making donations. Prepare your mind beforehand and do not get demotivated by these acts. It is something that is bound to happen. Also, do not ask more than twice. You can try convincing them, sure, but make sure they are not irritated by the same.

5. Follow Up

We live in a world where even the idlest person is BUSY doing nothing. Considering this, if the prospect donor commits to donate but forgets, it is understandable. Following up and sending reminders is, thus, of the utmost importance.

6. Express Gratitudes

Once the donation is done, send an acknowledgment mail and thank them profusely.

7. Send Updates

Do not stop with Thank You(s). Keep them updated about your cause, your firm, its achievements, and more. Stay in touch to build everlasting connections. This will drive you funds from them in the long run as well.

8. Use Emails to Your Advantage

One major strength of using emails to talk about your cause and raise funds is that you can ask your inner circle of friends to forward it to theirs. This builds a chain that can help you meet the right people.

Now, after having discussed 8 tips to ask for donations, let us zoom in on the last one to understand what and how to write a donation email.

Also Read: Online Donations: Set Up Your First Donation

How to Write A Donation Email

While an email can make or break a situation, a touching, crisp mail will always make it. The question, however, is how to make an email sound appealing! This is not as difficult as you think if you follow the following tips:

Write to-the-point subject lines.

Do not beat about the bush in the body.

Cut right to the chase after the initial para.

Do not forget to give the details that will matter.

Keep it personal.

Make it easy for the donors to donate.

Provide links + ways for them to connect & know more.

Follow up.

Be polite.

Send acknowledgement mails once a donation is made.

Say thank you. More than once.

Stay in touch.

What Should A Donation Letter Say

If you do not want to go ahead with an email, a letter works just fine. Here is an example of how a donation letter should be drafted and what it should say.


Dear [donor’s name],

I am [name] and I am the [position] of [nonprofit’s name]. At [nonprofit’s name], we seek to help [fundraising mission] by [actions that have been taken by the nonprofit. Insert an emotional story about what your nonprofit has done so far and the lives they have changed. Give a specific example of your impact.]

While we have made some great strides, we still have a lot to accomplish.

We need your support to [new project or event that you are asking donations for].

Would you consider donating [donation amount, items, or services that you need] to help us achieve our mission?

If you have any questions, I would be happy to provide you with more information about how you can help support our work at [nonprofit’s name].

We greatly appreciate your donation, and it will be used to [insert how the donations will be used and the impact that this donation will have]. If you wish to contribute, please fill out the attached form or give us a call at [phone number].

Please join us! With your donation, we are one step closer to [insert goal]!



[nonprofit website]

Now, the final question!

Which platform to use to succeed in fundraising? Well, we have an answer to that too! iConnectX is the platform dedicated to making the charitable process easy and convenient for the donors. All you have to do is get in touch with us either by giving us a call or by joining the live chat and we will take care of it all.

“In necessary things, unity; in doubtful things, liberty; in all things, charity.”

While charity is a beautiful emotion, one can hit two targets with a single stone by making charitable donations in 2021 and avoiding hefty taxes at the same time. There is no question as to why giving is important because we all know how essential it is for peace of mind and for infusing the right set of values in our future generations to come.

Besides this, charitable giving is immensely beneficial from a financial standpoint wherein you can save big and organize estate, finance, and taxes. In fact, charitable gifts have helped 26% of taxpayers with deductions on their tax returns. With benefits galore, it is about time you put “charity donations near me” on google and help yourself.

But remember that based on your estate-type and the money you want to offer and how you will find umpteen ways of making charitable contributions.

What Are the Ways Of Charitable Donations?

There are several ways of charitable giving, each with its own set of pros and cons. It’s up to you as to which to choose because each of these has different benefits and requirements. Let’s delve deep and find out what exactly the ways of charitable giving are.

Types of Charitable Giving

1. Donor-Advised Funds

Donor-Advised Fund is a form of charity giving where a non-refundable amount is donated to a nonprofit either in cash or securities through a giving account. Administered by a public charity that manages assets for individuals or organizations, DAF is ideal for anyone who is involved in paying taxes on assets or wants to create a legacy involved in philanthropy. Find list of best charities to donate to depends on the cause the charity supports

Benefits of Donor-Advised Funds

  • Reduced Tax Costs – Using DAF can help donors achieve various and maximum tax deductions.
  • Helps Create a Legacy – You can make your heirs a part of this giving, thereby expanding these charitable donations beyond a single lifetime.
  • Direct the Fund’s Administration – If you feel too close to the cause or the organization, you can get involved in how the funds are utilized and direct the fund’s administration as to which grants should be made. However, the recipient isn’t under any obligation to follow which is why it is called ‘Donor-advised’ and not ‘Donor-directed’.

2. Real Estate

Selling property becomes a pain when exorbitant taxes get involved. In order to get out of the tax mess, you must donate to charity the property that you live in or no longer use.

Benefits of Real Estate Donations

  • Donate Today, Transfer Later -If you happen to donate the property you live in, you can get into an arrangement where the property is transferred to the charity after your death.
  • Lower Estate Taxes – This arrangement will help you with reduced taxes as the value of your home will be taken out of your estate, thereby lowering your estate taxes.

3. Cash

Of all the charitable contributions, giving cash is the easiest of all. A simple formula that the taxes involved in this charitable giving follow is –

Tax deductions = Cash donated – Value of goods/services received in returnBenefits of Gifting Cash

  • Incredibly Convenient – Absolutely no hassles involved.
  • No Complications – Tax Structures are fairly easy with no complicated structures.

Also Read: Why People Donate Money to Charity

4. Asset Donations

Paintings, life-insurance policies, retirement accounts, jewelry, and vehicles come under charitable gifts and can be donated for the following benefits.

Benefits of Asset Donations

  • Income Tax Deduction – Such donations help in avoiding tax liability. For larger tax deductions, try giving your asset to the charity it relates to the most. For example – Gifting your painting to a museum than to a cancer hospital will benefit you more.
  • Lower Taxes – It lowers the estate tax.

5. Pooled Income Fund

People who wish to donate to charity but only have modest means can pool together to make a considerable charitable donation. This is perfect for those who want to make a consistent income and would not mind donating a part of it later.

Pooled Income Funds allow donations from multiple donors and provide income streams to beneficiaries. Because of directly contributing to the PIF, all the donors end up with huge income deductions. Not only this, each beneficiary gets a share of the income earned by the fund every year. Upon the donor’s death, a part of the fund (decided beforehand) is given to the charity.

Benefits of Pooled Income Donations

  • Reduced Tax Costs
  • Yearly Earnings

Note: There’s a Pooled Special Needs Trust for people with disabilities. The added benefits of the same are 24*7 payment turnout, partner with the existing trustee or investment manager, and high efficiency.

6. Private Foundation

If you are someone with a cause that your heart really wants to work towards, setting up your own charitable foundation is a great step. This way, you can create a legacy of your own and get your future generations to work towards the same.

Benefits of Private Foundation

  • Control rests with the Donor
  • Creates a Legacy
  • Reduced Tax Costs

7. Charitable Trusts

Charitable Trusts are of two kinds-

  • Charitable Lead Trust
  • Charitable Remainder Trust

Charitable Lead Trust


If you are an individual with a huge income event or who is incurring or will incur bumper high-estate and gift taxes when transferring wealth to heirs, investing in a charitable lead trust can help you out. It is a planning tool that reduces tax deductions and estate costs.

It further has two types – (i) Grant Lead Trust and (ii) Non-grantor Lead Trust. While in the former the assets of the trust are enjoyed by the donor at the end of the trust term, assets of the trust are transferred to the beneficiaries designed by the donor in the latter.

Benefits of CLT

  • Secured Future – It is a great way to transfer wealth to your heirs.
  • Immediate Gift Tax Deduction – The process is swift and the tax deduction is based on the income generated by the charity.

Charitable Remainder Trust

CRT is just like CLT with only one difference which is that in a CRT, the donors along with the beneficiaries get paid first. In other words, they end up getting their income before the charitable trust does.

Benefits of CRT

  • Creates Income
  • Consistent cash-flow
  • Planner Lifetime cash-flow
  • Planned Retirement

8. Securities

One of the best ways to carry forth charitable donations to reduce taxes is by contributing securities (example: stocks). Two major benefits of it are as follows-

Benefits of Security Funds:

  • Zero Hassle – Neither do you sell your stocks nor do you involve yourself in capital gain taxes. The higher the stock value, the higher will be the tax savings.
  • Tax Deductions – Any stock that is a year old and has a value greater than what it was bought for can be donated, thereby becoming eligible for tax deductions equal to the stock’s full market value.

Are Charitable Donations Deductible?

Moving on to the most important questions of all, we have 3 points to highlight:

  • Taxpayers may deduct charitable contributions up to 60% of their adjusted gross incomes.
  • Charitable donations to individuals, no matter how worthy, are not deductible.
  • Donations totaling more than $300 in a year must be itemized.

In the U.S., donations can be deducted from the federal tax returns of individuals and companies making them. U.S. taxpayers are able to deduct up to 60% of their adjusted gross incomes annually. Taxpayers deducting more than $300 in charitable contributions must use Form 1040 or 1040-SR form and itemize their deductible contributions on a Schedule A form. However, as a result of the CARES ACT, the deductible portion of charitable donations has increased up to 100% of AGI.

This is a brief overview of different types of charitable giving and how you can benefit while giving! The best avenue to get started on your journey as a philanthropist is iConnectX. We are a platform dedicated to simplify the process of charitable giving for donors!

Auctions are the bread and butter of nonprofits. With this nonprofit sector facing challenges like never before, it’s time to step up the game by experimenting and exploring new options. And what better way than organizing virtual auctions?

With charity auctions having made a substantial achievement, it is an indication of online auctions being the right move. Especially when the paradigm shift is needed in times of social distancing and restricted gatherings. Let’s understand online auctions a little better by delving deeper.

How to Host A Virtual Auction: Steps for Nonprofits?

Just because live events are off the table now does not mean money can’t be raised. A perfect substitute for in-person auctions is the virtual auctions wherein the revenue can be generated with ease, thereby keeping nonprofits on track. A few essential steps to follow are

  1. Going for the right software
  2. Promoting the event like crazy
  3. Communicating with the supporters
  4. Following-up with them

Tips to Host a Successful Virtual Auction

Choose the Best Online Platform

Choosing a platform for your online auction is of the utmost importance. Make sure the platform you choose is user-friendly, allows easy bidding, provides notifications, and encourages participation. iConnectX is one of the options you can consider since it enables easy online participation.

Be Clear with Your Policies

How high is the bid to be increased? How are the prizes going to be delivered to the winners? Who will end up paying the shipping charges – the organization or the winners? Questions like these are vital and must be shared upfront with the participants so they know what they are getting into. Nothing should come across as something that might make them feel betrayed.

Keep Your Audience Engaged

Never reveal everything in a single go. Keep things to build suspense. Sharing the pictures of the items being bid on and prizes can benefit immensely to keep the audience hooked. Ensure that when the bidding starts, people are engaged enough to become a part of the whole thing even if they have to miss another important meeting.

Start Small

Have you ever been bombarded with the best of options but ended up making no purchase? We are sure it rings a bell. The learning to be derived from this experience is that the buyers must never be given too many items to bid on during an online auction. Always start small.

Hire Somebody to Take the Pictures

Pictures of the items you plan to sell can either make or break your auction. It is important that you don’t shirk away from hiring a professional who can take pictures from all the right angles because that’s what matters. Ultimately, what people see is what people buy!

Keep the Prices Moderate

The bids should open with considerable scope to go up. However, they shouldn’t be too low lest people should doubt the quality.

Don’t Fear Extending Your Auction

Because online auctions can run up to a week or more, take advantage of the same. Extend it so more people can participate, and they have enough time to raise the bids.

Make It Easy for Your Donors

Make sure your auction software has the Donation Option so bidders can pay with the utmost ease and convenience.

Difference Between Virtual Auction & Reverse Auction

Virtual Auction is like any regular auction wherein the seller sells the products or services to the buyer who bids the highest. What makes a regular auction a virtual auction is that it happens online, over the internet. This opens up new sales channels for the sellers and gives favorable purchasing conditions to the buyers. Example: eBay’s regular auction listings.

Contrary to this, a reverse auction is an auction wherein the sellers lower the prices of their products or services until the buyer agrees to buy it. Example: eBay’s booksellers continue to lower the prices until the buyer buys.

Long story short, regular auction involves buyers competing with other buyers while reverse auction involves sellers competing for buyers.

How Does a Virtual Auction Work?

A virtual action or an online auction is like a flea market being organized over the internet. Sellers choose to sell single or multiple products while the data collection happens behind the scenes. It involves winning and losing after making substantial bids. However, there are different types of online auctions that one can go ahead with. Let’s discuss this in detail.

Types Of Online Auction

There are two types of an online auction

  1. Virtual Live Auction
  2. Virtual Silent Auction

Virtual Live Auction

Virtual Live Auction is a live-streamed event with auctioneers, buyers, and sellers participating online, from their respective places. People can view the item details, join the live chat to discuss things with fellow supporters/participants, make bids, offer donations, and buy things, all through the single screen they operate with the help of the software. To make this work, all the interested candidates have to log on to the live-streaming platform at a specified time. The auctioneer will then commence things in real-time which the attendees can see on their screens. Items are auctioned one-at-a-time and the bids are made via online or mobile bidding tools.

Just like every coin has two sides, this type of auction comes with its own cons. The major drawback is that people can’t tune in after a specified period of time.

Virtual Silent Auction

An online silent auction takes place over a longer period, say, a week. This type of online auction gives the participants enough time to gain access to the online catalog that has the list of auction items. Participants can go through the catalog at their own pace and make bids on the items that interest them the most.

However, a combination of both can be achieved by opening bids for a week or so for certain items and doing a live auction for 2-3 trending items.

If you are all excited to organize your virtual auction, make sure that you choose the right software platform for hosting it. Choosing a good platform streamlines the entire process of organizing the event.

One of the most exceptional software for organizing virtual events is iConnectX. It is a platform that has been used by several nonprofits to organize different types of fundraisers over the years. It has innovative features that take care of each aspect of event management. iConnectX enables you to offer a great event experience to your attendees ensuring that the event proceeds in a hassle-free manner!

So why wait? Get in touch with one of our team members by either giving us a call or by joining the live chat.

In this blog, we will dive deeper to understand What is Text-To-Give for nonprofits, How it works, why Text-To-Give is becoming so popular, what are the benefits of Text-To-Give and how iConnectX subscribed nonprofits can take advantage of this great nonprofit tool.

So, let start with What is Text-To-Give?

Text-To-Give, also known as text-to-donate, is a monetary donation process using mobile device texting function. Text giving simplifies the donating process to happen anytime and anywhere within a few clicks. The Text-To-Give process enables nonprofits of all sizes the ability to make it easier for their supporters to donate by providing modern & trending methods to help them increase fundraising.

Often, you have heard the Text-To-Give referred to by many names, such as:

  • Text Giving
  • Text-to-Donate
  • Text-to-Tithe
  • Mobile Giving

Regardless of what we are calling it, this modern and trending fundraising approach has the power to transform your fundraising.

How Text-To-Give works

Nonprofits are provided a 10-digit phone number that acts as a mobile device text number. The number is advertised through marketing activities, events, or campaigns the nonprofit initiates. Donors text a donation amount to the phone number and receive back an instant message with a link to a donation page with that amount already prefilled on the form. Nonprofits can designate these donations towards annual fundraising, events, or to a specific cause.

How The Text-To-Give Process Works for Nonprofits and Donors

Text Giving is a straightforward process. Let’s take a deep dive into the understanding of the process from both the nonprofit and donor perspectives.

How Text Giving Works for Nonprofits:

Step 1: Choose a platform – When selecting a Text-To-Give platform or provider, make sure you research and select the one that will work for your needs and budget. Review the features your nonprofit is looking to use to raise funds while keeping your donor’s data secure.

Step 2: Get your Text-To-Give unique phone number – Each nonprofit receives a unique phone number that is used to receive the donation message. The nonprofit will need to select the keywords which can be used by donors in the message. This provides a way to understand that the donation is made for a specific Text-To-Give campaign.

Step 3: Promote the number in your campaigns – Once everything set-up, you will need to promote your Text-To-Give number in your marketing campaigns so donors can access and donate. Use your phone number in emails, events, and website. Make it easy for them to notice and donate to your cause.

Let’s understand how it works for Donors

Step 1: Texting to the number – Donors initiate the transaction by sending a text message to the nonprofit’s designated Text-To-Give phone number promoted in their marketing. The message usually contains a Donate to “Keyword” and a dollar amount. Example “Donate $100 to the Giving Fund”

Step 2: Incoming Text! The Donate Link – Within a few seconds of texting, donors receive a confirmation link to donate the amount they sent. Donors click on the link and are provided a secure form to fill out and enter their credit card info.

Step 3: Done! – Donors click on the submit button and their donation is made. They receive a confirmation text to authenticates the transaction. It’s as simple as that. A few clicks and the donation is complete!

So, why this Mobile Giving trend is becoming so popular?

For nonprofit organizations, donors are most likely to have their mobile devices with them on a regularly basis and are comfortable giving on a device they use regularly. It just makes sense to incorporate a Text-To-Give feature for nonprofit donations. Furthermore, Text-To-Give can be completed in simple, easy steps, making it a fast and convenient donation process.

The first question that comes to mind, will people use the Text-To-Give to make donations? Here are some stats as to “Why”:

  • There are 3.5 Billion smartphone users worldwide.
  • US Adults spend an average of approximately 3 hours per day on their smartphones
  • 2/3rds of internet shoppers use a mobile device vs. a home device (desk/laptop).
  • 6 out of 10 prefer mobile vs home device.
  • 54 % of nonprofit emails are read on mobile.
  • 58% of nonprofit social media happens on mobile.
  • 95% mobile phone adoption rate for US adults.
  • 52.6% of global web traffic is from mobile devices

Benefits of Text-to-Give for Nonprofits

  • Quick Money: As found in statistics, most individuals use a mobile device, it is a great way to quickly raises funds for the nonprofit’s causes and programs. Donors can easily submit their donation is a few simple steps.
  • Raising Awareness: Because donors spend more time on mobile devices, it is easier to capture their attention (through social and digital media) to raise awareness about programs and causes. Using the provided Text-To-Give phone number in digital advertising reaches a larger audience.
  • Engagement Opportunities: Text-To-Give helps nonprofits reach potential donors easily. It is easy for nonprofits to remind donors about causes, programs, campaigns, events, and other engagement opportunities.
  • Communication Becomes Easier: Text-To-Give allows nonprofits to collect the donor’s name and phone number for future campaigns. This information can be used to tailor further communication with donors and potential volunteers.
  • Donor Retention: Donor retention becomes much easier and cost-effective using a simple communication through campaigns that provide an easy way to enable donors to support their favorite causes.

Benefits of Text Giving for Donors:

  • Easy Giving: With text giving, donors can raise funds for nonprofits anytime, anywhere. This is among the fastest payment mode and is not required to wait for long periods.
  • Secure Payment Mode: Mobile Giving platforms must adhere to PCI standards to keep the donor’s credit card information safe and secure and will not be compromised at any circumstances.
  • Networking with Nonprofits: Text Giving gives a new way for donors and volunteers to get in touch with nonprofits.
  • Use-to Technology: Donors use texting every day in life to communicate with family and friends. Text Giving makes use of familiar technology that donor uses in daily life, makes giving easy.

Text-to-Give has quickly become a must-have feature for nonprofits, and of course for good reason. In addition to boosting fundraising, text fundraising allows nonprofits to improve donor engagement and retention, receive more participation in their programs, and helps build long-term support.

The platform that can provide Text-To-Give and more, iConnectX. Text-To-Give is the modern, trending fundraising way that allows donors to make donations to nonprofits of any size irrespective of their location or area of services via mobile. On iConnectX, using phone native texting applications, donors can instantly text donations and amount to donate to their favorite nonprofits. The respective nonprofit sends a response with a payment link via text message to the donor’s mobile number. The donor can enter the amount of their choice, enter the keyword for the cause they support and click on the submit to send successfully.

This along with auctions, event ticketing, fundraising, advocacy, and a community of professionals through which to market, all built within iConnectX. One platform, one login, one low subscription price for use. iConnectX.com, register your nonprofit now.

Why Prefer iConnectX for Text-to-Give for Nonprofits?

Why use iConnectX? We try best to make all events and campaigns simpler and more profitable for nonprofits. Whether you are a large or small nonprofit organization, iConnectX is always on the lookout for trends to make your events stand out.

See the comparison below and view how we stack up against the competition. Plus, your activity marketed in the marketplace, a community with thousands of charitable-minded professionals.

Are you looking for the best charities to donate to in the 2021? You can raise funds to nonprofits in many ways like online donations, participation in online auctions organizing by nonprofits, text giving, volunteering or more. Before moving to find the good nonprofits, here are some interesting facts, during 2019, individuals, philanthropists, organizations across the U.S. have donated a massive sum of $449.64 billion. (Source: N P Trust)


Also, Do you know that the individual with age group 50-65+ donated 3 times more than the age group 20-35 years?

Donating time, money and other efforts to your top charities is a generous act and a bit relief from the tax deduction too. The genericity index of individuals and corporations donating fund to nonprofit is growing YOY and ranked top position is most generous country across the world. It is expected that the donation to charitable organizations will cross $470 Billion in 2021.

Many charities raise funds to run many social causes, events, and other programs, but many nonprofits use large portions of their fund in marketing, administration expenses, staff salary and only the limited amount actually spends on social causes. And unfortunately, some of the charities are not more than the smoke-and-mirror schemes.

Choosing the best charity to donate funds by name is a mistake some donors make. A donor must make a background check of nonprofit organizations before making any donations.

An individual can get benefit by donating the money to 501(c) nonprofit organizations. You can exempt the amount you donated to your best charities from tax deductions too.

An individual must research on following things before donating fund to your best charity:

Factors to Make Decision in Choosing the Charity

The first doubt comes in the mind of donor is How to choose the good charity to support? Deciding to help a charity is one thing but which charity you want to support is a whole different thing. Look at sites like MyPhilanthropedia.org or GreatNonprofits.org to get a feel for what charities are out there. Start to research each nonprofit and make a list of your best nonprofits where you want to donate funds and make sure they are accountable towards you and society.

Some of the factors help you to decide which charity to donate fund:

Type of Charity:

You want to donate to local charities or international charities. You can research the local charities in your locality who are working towards the upliftment of your neighbourhood. Even your small donation towards the charity makes a big impact and you can monitor whether you are utilized properly or not.

501(c) Nonprofit vs Non 501(c) Nonprofit

Make a list of all the local and international registered nonprofit organizations and list out the 501(c) charities and other nonprofit organizations. You can exempt a bit of your salary from tax deduction by donating the fund to 501(c) nonprofit organizations. And, a assurance that your money is going in the hand of right charitable organization.

Category of Nonprofit Organization

Every donor wants good charities to donate fund to make an impact on the society. Some generous donor wants to see an overall development of the society or some wants to donate for a reason like supporting the charity working towards the hunger, development of women, working towards women sanitary and hygiene, education, water crisis or maybe wanting to donate the fund in the natural calamity.

Support Your Charity

You can support your best charity not just by donating fund but by donating your time and efforts too. When using the iConnectX platform, your expertise becomes a fundraising tool.

Here’s how it works: professionals pay for mentoring sessions with executives of their choice, and portions of their fees go straight to charity – any charity the executive has designated.

iConnectX is a platform for nonprofits, listed 1.5 million non-boarded charities and more than two hundred fifty on-boarded 501(c) charities working in many areas. Next comes to giving-minded individuals are, what are the best charities to donate to? iConnectX has listed the good charities to donate to based on category.

Top Charities Working for Aged Community


Name of Charity Category Website
Sellers Senior Center Inc. Aged www.Sellersseniorcenter.org
Albion Bible Church A New Jersey Non-Profit Corporation Aged www.albionbiblechurch.com
Teen Challenge Ranch of Northwest Arkansas Inc. Aged https://teenchallengeranch.com
Senior Olympics Aged www.seniorolympicswpa.weebly.com
Ps Charities Inc. Aged https://www.pscharity.org/
North Hills Christian School Inc. Aged https://www.northhillschristian.com
Vista Grande Villa Aged https://vistagrandevilla.com/


List of Best Charities Working for Animals Welfare


Name of Charity Category Website
Atlanta Humane Society Animals http://www.atlantahumane.org
Wild Africa Foundation Corporation Animals www.wildafricafoundation.org
Paws 4 A Cure Animals http://www.paws4acure.org/
Bissell Pet Foundation Animals https://www.bissellpetfoundation.org/
Banovich Wildscape Foundation Animals https://www.wildscapesfoundation.org/
Detroit Dog Rescue Animals https://detroitdogrescue.com/
Bu dog sanctuary Animals https://www.facebook.com/BUdogsanctuary/
Friends for Animals of Metro Detroit Animals https://www.metrodetroitanimals.org


Charities Working for Armed & Ex-Services


Name of Charity Category Website
Ruck Up Charities Inc. Armed & Ex-Services http://www.ruckupcharityevents.com/
AMERICAN LEGION Armed & Ex-Services americanlegionpost3roanokeva.org
Healing 4 Heroes Inc. Armed & Ex-Services https://www.healing4heroes.org/
VFW National Home for Children Armed & Ex-Services https://www.vfwnationalhome.org
FFX Ministries Inc Armed & Ex-Services https://www.ffxshow.org
Richmond County Council of PTA’s Armed & Ex-Services https://www.rcboe.org/domain/6
Tamil Sangam Michigan Armed & Ex-Services http://www.mitamilsangam.org


List of Good Charities Working for Children & Youth


Name of Charity Category Website
Arizona Girlchoir Children & Youth www.arizonagirlchoir.org
Rich Foundation Reaching Innocent Children Hearts Children & Youth https://www.richfoundationhearts.com
Hope Fieldhouse Children & Youth https://hopefieldhouse.org
Courtney Jones Care and Cure Foundation Children & Youth http://www.CourtneyJonesCareAndCure.org/
Prescod Kids Inc. Children & Youth http://www.bowtiekids.org/
Vision Driven 757 Children & Youth http://Www.visiondriven757.org
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Kentuckiana Children & Youth https://rmhc-kentuckiana.org/
The Elaine Clark Center Children & Youth http://www.elaineclarkcenter.org/
Ricky Davis Legacy Foundation Children & Youth http://www.rickydavislegacyfoundation.org/
Independent Butterflies Inc. Children & Youth http://www.ibigirls.org/
Raising Beautiful Butterflies Children & Youth https://raisingbeyoutifulbutterflies.org/
Presbyterian Home for Children Children & Youth http://www.phfc.org
Junior Achievement of Western Pennsylvania Children & Youth http://www.jawesternpa.org/
Ronald McDonald House Charities of North Central Florida Children & Youth https://www.rmhcncf.org/
Foundation for International Medical Relief of Children Children & Youth https://www.fimrc.org/
Boys and Girls Home of North Carolina Children & Youth http://www.boysandgirlshomesofnc.com/
Food for the Hungry Children & Youth http://www.fh.org
Project Esperanza Inc. Children & Youth http://esperanzameanshope.org/
Golden Empire Council, Boy Scouts of America Children & Youth http://www.gec-bsa.org/
Fulfillment Fund Children & Youth http://www.fulfillment.org/
Boy Scouts of America, Orange County Council Children & Youth http://www.ocbsa.org/
Kids-N-Kinship Inc. Children & Youth https://www.kidsnkinship.org/
Augustas Angels Children & Youth https://www.facebook.com/augustasangels/
Drawchange Inc. Children & Youth www.drawchange.org
East Side Youth Sports Foundation Children & Youth https://www.esysf.com/
ILLOWA COUNCIL BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Children & Youth https://illowabsa.org/
CATHOLIC YOUTH ORGANIZATION Children & Youth https://www.aod.org/cyo
Camp One Step Children & Youth https://camponestep.org/
Sparky Anderson’s Catch Charity for Children Children & Youth https://catchcharity.org/
Methodist Children’s Home Society Children & Youth https://www.mchsmi.org/
Bloomfield Hills High School Children & Youth https://www.bloomfield.org/schools/bloomfield-hills-high-school
Spaulding for Children Children & Youth https://spaulding.org/
Lets Go Detroit Children & Youth http://www.LetsGoDetroit.org
Turning Point inc Children & Youth http://www.turningpointmacomb.org
Farmington Family YMCA Children & Youth http://www.ymcadetroit.org/farmington
Community Action Network Children & Youth http://canwashtenaw.org
InsideOut Literary Arts Project Children & Youth http://www.insideoutdetroit.org
Winning Futures Children & Youth http://www.WinningFutures.org
LLEM International Inc Children & Youth http://www.lleminternational.com
Kyyba Kidz Foundation Children & Youth http://kyybakidzfoundation.org


Best Charities Working for Various Community


Name of Charity Category Website
The Singletons Community www.thesingletonsaz.org
Housing Channel Community http://www.housingchannel.org/
Dream Leadership Academy Inc. Community http://www.DreamLeadershipAcademy.org/
Divine Inspirations Inc. Community http://www.sodivineinc.org/
Hilson Management Community http://hilsonmanagement.org/
Detroit Black Community Food Security Network Inc. Community https://www.dbcfsn.org/
Goldwater Institute Community http://www.goldwaterinstitute.org
Trinity Wellness Community Outreach Community https://www.trinitywellnesscc.com/nonprofit
The Food Bank of Central Louisiana Community http://www.fbcenla.org/
United Arts Council of Greater Greensboro Community https://www.artsgreensboro.org/
Matthews Miracles 333 Community https://www.matthewsmiracles.org/
Longville Area Community Foundation Community https://longvillefoundation.org/
Working Against Repeating Situations Community Organization Community http://www.warscommunity.org/
Craving for A Change Foundation Inc. Community https://cravingforachangefoundation.com/
Hand & Hand Foundation Inc. Community http://www.handandhandfoundation.org/
Keep Pushing Community http://www.keeppushinginc.org/
National Nonprofit Minority Association Community https://nationalnonprofitminorityassociation.org
HeartLove Place, Inc. Community http://www.heartloveplace.org/
Saferide America Inc. Community http://saferideamerica.org/
United Way of Florence County Community http://www.uwflorence.org/
Services to Enhance Potential Community https://stepcentral.org/
Ccc Partners Foundation Community https://globalpartnersinhope.com/
Evansville Rescue Mission Community https://www.evansvillerescuemission.org/
Girls on the Run International Community https://www.girlsontherun.org/
WCPE Community http://theclassicalstation.org
Brcastrong Community www.brcastrong.org
Envision Proven Success Community https://www.envisionprovensuccess.com/
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors Community http://www.taps.org
Lesane Inc. Community https://lesaneinc.wixsite.com/lesaneinc-end-abuse
Encourage Me Im Young Inc. Community https://emiyworld.com/
Sauk Rapids-Rice Education Foundation Community https://www.isd47.org/srref
Southeast Texas Nonprofit Development Center Community https://setxnonprofit.org/
Be the Star You Are Inc. Community https://www.bethestaryouare.org/
Private Key Foundation Inc. Community www.privatekeyfoundation.com
Bailey Park Project Community http://baileyparkndc.org/
Initiative Foundation Community http://www.ifound.org
Hope Street Ministries Inc. Community https://www.hopestreetministry.org/
United Way of Washtenaw County Community https://www.uwwashtenaw.org/
The Young Women’s Christian Association of Metro Detroit Community http://www.ywcadetroit.org/
Community Foundation For Southeast Michigan Community https://cfsem.org
Ruth Ellis Center Community http://www.ruthelliscenter.org/
Detroit Indian Women’s Association Community https://www.diwapro.org
Food Share of Lincoln County Community http://www.foodsharelincolncounty.org
Leticia’s Helpful Hands Inc Community https://www.facebook.com/pg/tchelpfulhands/about/?ref=page_internal
LOVING HANDS OF JESUS SHELTER Community https://www.alignable.com/chicago-il/loving-hands-of-jesus-shelter?fbclid=IwAR0azaGGMYIFub_NAPdyA1kD9OVMILnw774plc6H4vhBZ741NJw6
Detroit Malayalee Association Community http://www.dmausa.org
Hands and Feet 24 7 Community http://www.handsandfeet24-7.org
The WIshwall Foundation Community http://www.thewishwall.org
Life Remodeled Community http://www.liferemodeled.com
Kerala Club Community http://www.keralaclub.org


Good Charities Working for Culture & Heritage


Name of Charity Category Website
Young Men of Distinction Inc. Culture & Heritage http://Youngmenofdistinction.org/
Jewish Community Center of Chicago Culture & Heritage https://www.jccchicago.org/
International Folk Art Alliance Culture & Heritage http://www.folkartalliance.org/
555 Arts Culture & Heritage www.555arts.org
The Minority Freedom Community Fund Culture & Heritage http://www.mifreedomcf.org
FORD ASIAN INDIAN ASSOCIATION Culture & Heritage https://www.facebook.com/groups/127396923941334/members/


Charities Working for Disabled


Name of Charity Category Website
Eagles Way Life Center Inc. Disabled http://www.eagleswaystl.org/
Nasia Foundation Disabled http://www.thenasiafoundation.org/
Just Ask Disabled www.justasktalkshow.org
Loving Thunder Therapeutic Riding Inc. Disabled https://lovingthunder.com/
National Multiple Sclerosis Society Disabled www.nationalmssociety.org/Chapters/MIG
The Fowler Center Disabled http://thefowlercenter.org/
Greater Detroit Agency For The Blind and Visually Impaired Disabled https://gdabvi.org/
SAMARTHANAM USA, Inc Disabled http://samarthanamusa.org
CRi Choice. Respect. independence. Disabled https://mycri.org/
Autism Society of Oregon Disabled http://www.autismsocietyoregon.org
Special Ministries of Livingston County Disabled http://www.special-ministries.org


Best Charities Working for Better Education & Training


Name of Charity Category Website
Resources to Dream Education & Training http://Bit.ly/Resourcestodream
Cancer Support of Deming and Luna County Inc. Education & Training http://www.demingcancersupport.com/index2.html
Power of Pain Foundation Inc. Education & Training https://internationalpain.org/
Artisan Alley Education & Training https://www.artisanalley.com/
American Concrete Institute Education & Training https://www.concrete.org/
HIV Alliance Education & Training https://hivalliance.org/
Feed the Children Education & Training https://www.feedthechildren.org/
UNIFIED – HIV Health and Beyond Education & Training www.miunified.org
Share Cancer Support Education & Training https://www.sharecancersupport.org/
Us TOO International Education & Training https://www.ustoo.org/
Detroit Public School Foundation Education & Training http://www.dpsfdn.org/
Junior Achievement of Arizona Education & Training https://jaaz.org
Fresh Start Visions Education & Training https://freshstartvisions.org/
Adelante Mujeres Education & Training http://www.adelantemujeres.org/
Michigan STEM Partnership Education & Training http://www.mistempartnership.org
Keeping the Blues Alive Foundation Education & Training http://www.keepingthebluesalive.org
PowerMyLearning Education & Training http://www.powermylearning.org
AIM for SEVA Education & Training http://www.aimforsevausa.org/


Charities Working for Employments


Name of Charity Category Website
AMERICAN FARM BUREAU FEDERATION Employments, Trades & Professions https://www.fb.org/
North American Meat Institute Employments, Trades & Professions https://www.meatinstitute.org/
Ten Thousand Villages of Huron Valley Employments, Trades & Professions http://www.facebook.com/VillagesAArbor/


501(c) Charities Working Towards Better Environment


Name of Charity Category Website
Connecticut Audubon Society Environment http://www.ctaudubon.org
Belwin Conservancy Environment http://www.belwin.org/
Alliance for International Reforestation Inc. Environment https://www.airguatemala.org/
Rethink Inc. Environment https://www.wabashrethinks.com/?fbclid=IwAR0JUwV7PD2VTn3zRqnv2Wj6Z8iuVCYV_DiRN5jyUJ3bjVUUW6OC-VnjA3Q
Californians for Population Stabilization Environment http://www.capsweb.org/
Iowa Environmental Council Environment https://www.iaenvironment.org/
Green Living Science Environment http://greenlivingscience.org
Seven Ponds Nature Center Environment https://sevenponds.org/
Dahlem Conservancy Environment https://www.dahlemcenter.org/
The Nature Conservancy in Michigan Environment https://www.nature.org/en-us/about-us/where-we-work/united-states/michigan/
The Michigan Urban Farming Initiative Environment https://www.miufi.org/
North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy Environment http://www.nohlc.org
Wildlife Conservation Foundation Environment http://www.wcfindia.org
Hope Clinic Hearing Impairments http://thehopeclinic.org


List of Charities Working in Housing Sector


Name of Charity Category Website
Zion Hill Community Development Corporation Housing http://zionhillcdc.org/
Genesis Joy House Homeless Shelter Inc. Housing http://www.genesisjoyhouse.com/?fbclid=IwAR09OsYtCz0ZeNbUjjyvu5k24WiPNyRM-12ySRwYFL0PHY089BjwJeHGg4c
Fair Housing Center of Metropolitan Detroit Housing https://fairhousingdetroit.org/
Gladwin County Habitat for Humanity Housing https://www.habitatgladwin.org/
Apartment and Office Building Association of metropolitan Washington DC Housing http://www.aoba-metro.org
Homes for Veterans Housing https://www.homesforveterans.us/
Habitat for Humanity of Lenawee Housing https://www.habitat-lenawee.org/
Habitat for Humanity Northeast Michigan Housing https://www.habitatnemi.org/
Northwest Michigan Habitat for Humanity Housing http://www.northwestmihabitat.org
Habitat for Humanity of Michigan Housing https://www.habitatmichigan.org
Habitat for Humanity of Kent County Housing https://www.habitatkent.org/
Coalition On Temporary Shelter Housing http://cotsdetroit.org/
Habitat for Humanity of Huron Valley Housing http://www.h4h.org


Good Charities Working for Human Rights


Name of Charity Category Website
Sri Shankara Cancer Foundation USA Human Rights www.v2soft.com
Sisters Healing Sisters Inc. Human Rights http://www.sistershealingsistersinc.org/
Montgomery County Women’s Center Human Rights https://www.mcwctx.org


Best Charities Working for International Development


Name of Charity Category Website
Hope Water International International https://www.hopewaterinternational.org
International Oasis International http://internationaloasis.org
Global Samaritan Resources International Development https://www.globalsamaritan.org/
Global Alliance for Entrepeneurship and Business D International Development http://globalaebd.org
The Appropriate Technology Collaborative International Development http://www.apptechdesign.org
GlobalGiving Foundation Inc International Development http://www.globalgiving.org


Charities Working Towards Medical Research & Welfare


Name of Charity Category Website
Breast Cancer Alliance Medical Research http://breastcanceralliance.org
American Society of Cytopathology Medical Research https://cytopathology.org/
Alzheimer’s Association Medical Research http://www.alz.org
Larrys Legends Medical Research http://larryslegends.weebly.com/
Be The Match Foundation Medical Research http://www.bethematch.org
Hsu Medical Education Foundation Inc. Medical Research www.hsumef.org
Esophageal Cancer Awareness Association Inc. Medical Welfare ecaware.org
Labor Arts Inc. Medical Welfare http://www.laborarts.org
Ghawk Foundation Medical Welfare https://www.ghawkfoundation.com/
Krabbe Connect Medical Welfare https://krabbeconnect.org/
Fundacion Manos Juntas Medical Welfare https://www.manosjuntas.net
Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute Medical Welfare http://www.karmanos.org
MedGlobal Medical Welfare http://www.medglobal.org/
The Rebuilding Alliance Overseas Aid https://www.rebuildingalliance.org
World Medical Relief Overseas Aid http://www.worldmedicalrelief.org/


Best Charities Working in Religious Sector


Name of Charity Category Website
CBMC INC Religious https://www.cbmc.com/
Lifeline Christian Mission Religious http://www.lifeline.org/
Reciprocal Ministries International Religious http://www.rmibridge.org
FRANCISCAN FRIARS ASSUMPTION BVM PROVINCE INC Religious https://www.franciscan-friars.org/
The Labouré Society Religious http://rescuevocations.org
Love to the Nations Religious http://www.lovetothenations.com/


Best Charities Working in Social Welfare


Name of Charity Category Website
Fallen Heroes Foundation Inc. Rescue Services www.fallenheroesfoundation.org
Quality Day Foundation Social Welfare http://www.Qualitydayfoundation.com
Viola S Place Inc. Social Welfare http://www.violasplaceinc.net/
Rhiannas Treasured Gifts Social Welfare https://rhiannas-treasured-gifts.business.site/
California Fight Against Coronavirus Social Welfare https://media.tenor.com/images/77f57cdfd49f2d6563697d1d70bf410a/tenor.gif
Healing Action Network Inc. Social Welfare www.healingaction.org
Thanksgivings Heroes Llc Social Welfare https://www.thanksgivingsheroes.org/
Kids Coalition Against Hunger Social Welfare https://www.kidscoalitionagainsthunger.org/
Cathedral Center Inc. Social Welfare https://cathedral-center.org/
Homes For Our Troops Social Welfare http://www.hfotusa.org/
Easter Seals Southeast Wisconsin Inc. Social Welfare https://www.easterseals.com/wi-se/
Hero Foundation Social Welfare https://herofoundationmi.org/
Ypsilanti Meals on Wheels Social Welfare https://ymow.org
Korean American Family Service Center Social Welfare https://kafsc.org/
First Step Social Welfare http://www.firststep-mi.org/
Urban League of Detroit and Southeastern Michigan Social Welfare https://www.deturbanleague.org/
Province of St. Joseph of the Capuchin Order Social Welfare https://www.cskdetroit.org/
Haven, Inc. Social Welfare https://www.haven-oakland.org/
Friends in Deed Social Welfare https://www.friendsindeedmi.org/
Addison Township Firefighters Association Social Welfare https://www.twp.addison.mi.us
Detroit Area Agency on Aging Social Welfare https://www.detroitseniorsolution.org/
Gift Of A Helping Hand Charitable TR Social Welfare https://www.tgoahhct.org
Peace Neighborhood Center Social Welfare https://peaceneighborhoodcenter.org
Alternative for Girls Social Welfare https://alternativesforgirls.org/
DO Foundation Social Welfare https://www.dofoundation.net/
Association of Kannada Kootas of America Social Welfare http://www.akkaonline.net/akka_html/contact.html
Centro Multicultural La Familia Social Welfare http://www.centromulticultural.org
United Way for Southeastern Michigan Social Welfare http://UnitedWaySEM.org


List of Good Charities in Sports Recreation


Name of Charity Category Website
Unicycling Society of America Sport & Recreation https://uniusa.org/
Midnight Golf Program Sport & Recreation https://midnightgolf.org/


Good Charities Working in Health Sector


Name of Charity Category Website
Michigan Council of Women in Technology STEM http://www.mcwt.org/
Macular Degeneration Association Visual Impairments http://macularhope.org/

Online virtual fundraising for nonprofits is currently trending as an alternative to traditional fundraising tools. As people are more inclined towards online activity due to the current health concerns and many other reasons; saving time, money, effort, and overall, it is easier to participate, the majority of fundraising activities are taking place on web and mobile platforms. Online virtual fundraising for nonprofits has witnessed a year-over-year growth, according to the NP Source report, online giving increased 10.6% from 2017 to 2018 and overall online revenue increased by 23% in 2017, increasing from 15% growth the previous year. With online fundraising gaining popularity over the years, we at iConnectX anticipate that it will continue this growth into the future.

Most nonprofits are researching the idea, but not ready to take the full advantages of virtual fundraising. Online platforms such as iConnectX have brought you full-service online fundraising tools with some fresh and innovative approaches to raise funds for nonprofits, especially during the current coronavirus pandemic. Utilize a platform such iConnectX and use the community to participate in online fundraising using the available tools.

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

Peer-to-peer fundraising, one of the significant things that a fundraising platform such as iConnectX can do, is help with online donations. Leveraging the community of professionals and organizations, is one of the best fundraising ideas out there. Encourage your networks to set up personal fundraising pages through iConnectX to fundraise for your nonprofit. If a donor creates a fundraiser page, they build legitimacy for your cause. In fact, peer-to-peer fundraisers result in more donations with regular participation in causes and programs.

Nonprofits and their sponsor professionals must encourage their networks to build peer-to-peer fundraisers for the charities. Use an online platform like iConnectX to set-up and manage a fundraiser page for them.

Set up a demo of iConnectX with one of our team members so you can see how quickly a peer-to-peer fundraising campaign can be set-up for your virtual fundraising event.


Also Read: Fundraising for Coronavirus: Create Virtual Events

Online Donations

The ease of creating an online donation page on iConnectX not only encourages you to donate or but also assists you to promote donation from your advocacy site, your fundraisers, and events.

Solicit online donations through your advocacy page within iConnectX, also on any fundraisers and events you run. Platforms like iConnectX make it easy by integrating payment forms in the process, employing only a single button click. Payments are sent to your nonprofit directly. The best part of platforms like iConnectX is any users or nonprofits can create fundraisers with just 5 easy steps.

Set up a demo of iConnectX with one of our team members so you can see how easy it is to set up your advocacy page and start collecting online donations.

Online Ticketed Event

Online fundraising events can help with boosting donations and tap the audience who may not be able to attend the event in-person. Platforms like iConnectX have introduced online fundraising events for nonprofits and their supporters. Even a professional can set up a fundraiser with an included event page on behalf of nonprofits. Don’t miss out on your participant’s contribution in any way by creating virtual event page on iConnectX that enables them to give at anytime and anywhere.

Easily set up your events with options to collect RSVPs, sell tickets, sell sponsorship packages, and collect donations. Show your attendees where the location is through the google maps integration. Promote your event in the iConnectX Marketplace where our community of professional’s view the info on both web and our mobile app. The platform includes full reporting of who responded, sold tickets and sponsorship packages.

Online ticketed events are also a trending fundraising method, where nonprofits are spending less time and effort than hosting the traditional in-person event. An online event frees up your staff, helping nonprofits spend their time and energy where needed most.

Set up a demo of iConnectX with one of our team members so you can see how easy it is to set up your own online event and sell tickets to raise funds.

Online Auctions

Take your auction to the next level and get more participation by hosting it on an online platform. Solutions like iConnectX enable your auction participation to happen online through the mobile app.

Easily set up and run your own auction, have your participants use the web and mobile apps for bidding, provide notifications for bidders; highest bidder or out-bid, and of course, full reporting of bids and dollars raised.

So, whether you are holding a silent auction at a golfing event, looking to turn those donated items into dollars through an online event, or holding a gala with elegant prizes, iConnectX has the solution for you. Online auctions have their own benefits, its easy to bid, you can incorporate donations, and any bidders can participate at anytime and anywhere. It’s a win-win for bidders and your nonprofit. Online auctions are a good tool for when most of us are looking to donate unused items to nonprofits and contribute to raising funds for them.

Set up a demo of iConnectX with one of our team members so you can see how easy it is to set up your own online auction and raise funds.